Mauritian winter: Should you get yourselves mittens?

Expat news
Published on 2021-05-13 at 19:22
It is officially winter here in Mauritius. Soon, you'll have to swap flip flops for boots and sunglasses for the beanie… or not. Because in winter it is cold, but not too cold. So how do you prepare for this season?

No more unbearable summer heat, humidity, sunburn and excessive sweating. We are off to a good start for six months of winter. While it was still fairly warm during April, the thermostat has already dropped a few degrees in this month of May. But nothing to worry about! The Mauritian winter is far, if not very far from that to which some of you are used. No heating needed and no snowmen, unfortunately.

The seasons are reversed in the southern hemisphere where winter lasts from April to October in most areas. If you are used to temperatures that can drop below 0 degrees in winter, this will not be the case in Mauritius. In winter, the temperature here only drops by 5-10 degrees. The climate is therefore milder and more comfortable. The tropical winter lasts from May to October. It is drier and average daytime temperatures drop to 17 degrees on a bad day. In the evening, however, the temperature can drop to 11-13 degrees on the higher plateau.

In fact, meteorologists are predicting a rather cold winter this year. The Vacoas weather station predicts a proper drop in temperature around July and August. During the nights, it will be between 15-18 degrees. For many Mauritians, 15 degrees is freezing cold! Especially since the weather is windier during these 6 months of the year. In fact, surfing and kitesurfing enthusiasts will love this time of year.

During the winter, Mauritians keep their shorts and jackets in the closet and take out sweatpants and sweaters. The beaches are also less crowded and we prefer weekends and evenings at home. Quilts and blankets are making a comeback. You should also be wary of showers which despite not being downpours, can be a health hazard when mixed with the cold winter winds. And yes, we adjust even if the weather is not freezing ... well not for those who know freezing anyway!

During winter, sea water and fresh water are much colder and could discourage swimming. The cooler water temperature is definitely less attractive. Water around 21 degrees is scary to Mauritians, indeed. Surprising you find? But you can still bask in the sun during the day. Because winter or not, the sun is beautiful and present all year round. Bonus: less risk of sunburn.

Coming to Mauritius in winter is usually best for an expat from the northern hemisphere. The temperature is much more pleasant and comfortable. If you choose to live on the coast of the island, the temperature will be 4 to 5 degrees warmer even in winter. This time of year is still very popular with locals. If you are used to extreme cold, winter in Mauritius may well surprise you ...