
hello everyone, i am lilian, i am romanian and i've been living in Lyon for 6 months now. I don't know many people in this city and i still don't have friends despite my good french. I would like to meet new friends, no matter the nationality, to get out in week-ends or to go to the cinema, or theatre.I speak french, english and of course ...romanian.

Hi and welcome to Expat.com Lilian :)

I can suggest you to have a look at the Lyon expat network where you can meet other members to share advices and they can eventually help you settle ;)

Good luck

hey.. i am here bit more then a month, and i am so borde here, it not like there is nothing to do just i have no friends here.. contact me if u r bored one day))) i like cinema and old places in lyon.. and bars, here are so cool bars)

Hi, I'm a scottish girl (24) living in Lyon since August 2010. I have met some great people but still feel lonely at times. Would love to meet more people in Lyon to broaden my friendships.



I am Welsh, have been here since August 2008. I live just outside the centre of lyon, but I would love to meet up for a coffee if you are free during the week. I have two kids who are in school here and unfortunately I am only free during school hours. If this works for you let me know
By the way I am 40 years old (in body only, mentally I never got past 17)
Hope to speak soon

Bonjour, Buna ziua,

Je suis Français et je vis désormais dans les environs de Lyon, j'ai vécu en Roumanie, à Oradea, j'ai du cesser mes activités a cause de la crise.
Revenu en France et vu l'actualité récente, un peu défavorable aux citoyens Roumains, je m'efforce d'aider une famille qui réside dans ma ville.
La famille dont je m'occupe habite dans la même ville que moi, mais se plains de ne pas connaitre assez de Roumains, ils sont originaires de Braila, sont bilingues et travaillent en France, ils seraient heureux de connaitre d'autres roumains ou roumaines, que ce soit des familles ou des jeunes étudiants.
Pourtant, si il est vrai qu'il y a probablement des milliers de Roumains sur Lyon, il n'est pas du tout évident de voir dans la rue ou dans les lieux publics qui est français ou Roumains.
Je ne sais pas si vous recevrez ce message, mais si c'est le cas, je peux vous présenter Alexandru qui cherche lui aussi a connaitre des Roumains et se faire des amis en France.

Pe curand, la revedere


Hi and welcome on board Philippe!

As you are on the anglophone forum can you please post in English?

Thanks and regards


Buna Ziua Liliana
I've just see your message. I'm from Romania too. I would like speak romania, so give me a sign :)

Hello all, Lilian,

I'm a 28 year old guy from New York City. I have moved here to Lyon around 3 months ago and I'm looking to meet people and build friendships in this city.

Thanks for reading.


Hi Rockyn2020,
I read your post.
I'm back to Lyon, working here. I went couple of times to NYC, a lovely city :) and lived a year in the US.
I looking for building friendships as well, to speak both french and english !
Let me know if you wanna to drink a coffee or something ! Maybe other people will be interested !?
Let's create an event !!