Tips for new comers in Agadir

Hello dear Members

If you're living or have lived in Agadir, which tips could you extend to new expats?

We namely think of security: should any special precautions be taken (protection systems, areas to be avoided, etc.).

Do you have any particular advice regarding health?

Are there any special recommendations on dresscode in Agadir.

These are just examples: if you have any other advices or tips please add it!

Your help is highly appreciated!
The Team
Share your expat experience!

Agadir is a great place to live.  People are friendly and being a holiday resort many people speak some English, at least their English is far better than my French!

Health - private clinics are plentiful and I would personally recommend Clinic Al Massira in Talborjt, who have English speaking general doctors who will refer you to specialists if necessary. 

Security, normal city rules apply, keep your money close to you, perfectly safe to walk around all parts in the daytime, night time I'd take a taxi if you are a sole female.

Orange taxis run all over town, min fare is 5 dh max is about 25 dh...white taxis can take you out of town but be sure to agree a price first.

Dress code, strictly relaxed!

Souk is closed Mondays.  If you want to haggle for purchases go to a 'fixed price' shop first so you have an idea of what you'd like to pay, then go for it.
Uniprix in the town centre is well known for all purchases from babouches to crisps, there are four supermarkets, Marjane on the edge of town, 2 Asswak Assalams and the more european LaBel'Vie in Talborjt.

Any specific questions please ask!

hey dude thanx for u'r important information and useful that would help a lot of people who like agadir , where do u live in agadir ?!!

Welcome on board CharlieL ;)

Thanks for your contribution :one

Well, I think Charlie described Agadir very well. You must have lived in Agadir for a while, I could feel how wel you know, you could mention when the souk closes, thats great really ;)

Have a good day.