Need a house

Hello i'm Oldsoldier a older dutch retired soldier i like to go live in paraguay with my 13 year old son. how i finth a nice renthouse close to the beach max. $ 500 a houseboy and a good school?
[email protected]

Hi! Try the Paraguay classifieds > accommodation.

Good luck!

Old Soldier,

Here is another site you can look at for housing:

According to statistics, internet penetration is only lie 12% or 15%.  So to get the best deals on anything you will probably have to go and search in person, on the ground, walking.  It will be great fun!

As for educating your son,.... a year in Paraguay will be more beneficial than any curriculum.  At least that is my opinion.

Hi Old Soldier,

You said you were looking for a house close to a beach.  You do know that Paraguay does not have any coastline...  Do you mean a house near a lake or river?


you can check or

Bear in mind that before moving in you need to prepare 2.5 times the rental money.

1x for advance month payment
1x for refundable deposit when you leave
1/2x for non refundable fee for the estate agency