If you could live anywhere, where would you choose?

kRUBEN wrote:
Fred wrote:
morocco39 wrote:


Malaysia is a wonderful country but I still prefer Indonesia.
I have every intention of staying here until I snuff it, get buried here, then rot and become part of the land.

Now that's what I call a real commitment. Where have you been, Fred? Haven't seen you for a while. :cheers:

I'm not sure yet. But I'd probably choose a place with beautiful nature and a lot of opportunities for me to improve as a human being. I wouldn't worry too much about finding good people, because they are simply everywhere.

We had to leave because my husband's contract came to an end unfortunately. If I had a chance Ill go there again. Miss their sumptuous food :)

I would live there where I would be happy no matter in which point of earth even in Antarctic or n the moon .

So where would u be happy If we can paraphrase the question? :)

Everywhere wth my love and family with good health.health is very important

marina-kirvalidze wrote:

Everywhere wth my love and family with good health.health is very important

A simply stated, yet excellent post. Thanks, for sharing that thought. :top:

marina-kirvalidze wrote:

I would live there where I would be happy no matter in which point of earth even in Antarctic or n the moon .

My though same as your... Cheers!!!!

Switzerland .. I'm in love with this country!

I would live in either Canada, Japan, United Kingdom or Switzerland😍

In Poland

Would like to live in a country:

- as developped as Norway
- that have Swiss or Bahamas taxes (0%)
- with as many islands as the philippines
- as much biodiversity as the african Savanna
- that has the australian coral barrier
- with the US army to defend it (without Trump as commander in chief)
- with the french or UK history (minus the crimes)
- with 33% of white ladies as beautiful as russians or polish girls,  30% of "brown" ladies as charming as colombianas and 30% as cute as japanese.
- that produce german cars, italian boots and food
- that is bigger than russia in superficy...
- where it's always between 18° and 32°c (i love tropical weather)
- with Singapore's infrastructure
- with Scandnavian health care and education system...

Ok i stop now.

I'd prefer a place with no army at all, and no politicians so no one needs an army.


New Zeland <3

Fred wrote:

I'd prefer a place with no army at all, and no politicians so no one needs an army.

No politicians, huh?  Even Vatican City wouldn't qualify there.

As for no army, over 20 countries in the world have no armed forces, according to storypick.com -- the illustrated story website.

That list includes....

Costa Rica




Vatican City -- Yes, it's a country.


Plus over 15 other countries.

So, see ya in Vaduz*, Freddie Boy. :D

    *capital of Liechtenstein

     -- cccmedia in heavily armed Colombia

cccmedia wrote:
Fred wrote:

I'd prefer a place with no army at all, and no politicians so no one needs an army.

No politicians, huh?  Even Vatican City wouldn't qualify there.

As for no army, over 20 countries in the world have no armed forces, according to storypick.com -- the illustrated story website.

That list includes....

Costa Rica




Vatican City -- Yes, it's a country.


Plus over 15 other countries.

So, see ya in Vaduz*, Freddie Boy. :D

    *capital of Liechtenstein

     -- cccmedia in heavily armed Colombia

No worries about that^ Mr. Fred. At least you're not living in such a "heavily-armed" cultural environment, while laboring under the constant need to either physically defend (there), or to prove anything, especially on an Expat chat platform. Eh?  :cool:


That´s like the stone age period, where there´s no governance. That is the survival of the most fit with maybe  subsistence through the barter system - if that even existed at the time!

Of course I´m sure that is your way of jokingly stating your "utopian" state of mind.


robal wrote:


That´s like the stone age period, where there´s no governance. That is the survival of the most fit with maybe  subsistence through the barter system - if that even existed at the time!

Of course I´m sure that is your way of jokingly stating your "utopian" state of mind.


People need controlling "governance", due to the fundamental flaw, in the design of the species.

Considering the current level of so-called human behavior (as reported in the daily news broadcasts), perhaps the world (we are compelled to live within) could use considerably more of that "Utopian" (prevailing) state of "survival" mindset. Wouldn't you agree to that much of a human joke, at least? :cool:


The way it´s going now, human existence simply gets worse everyday. Yemen´s
human conditions are deplorable; declaration by Trump of Israel´s capital as Jerusalem -adding more to turmoil to the Muslim world, etc etc. The US has also turned into a police state for some time now...

Same thing in Brazil. The country has a very high crime rate. I go out and my situation turns into a yellow alert... Anybody of suspicious nature, the color turns to orange, etc.
I hope that never turns to red, in which case in the US I would be engaging my target while drawing my weapon!

The only time really that the color turns white is when I´m home and unaware of my surroundings. "Utopia" sets in as I try to add ambiance with a nice classical music and a glass of wine.

In a modern world where people compete for the already scarce resources and also for a sought- after satisfying existence, the "utopia" you´re saying is the more difficult to achieve. Living alone in the mountains could probably contribute to some extent if you have the money, but devoid of human contact I´m sure, could also result in the same depressing and distressful situation. Yes, I do agree with you that one of the coping mechanisms is to find your own peaceful existence as a survival mindset...

How about Turkey? I´m curious of how you deal with your "utopia" with the conditions going on in a predominantly Muslim country. How about the danger for Americans?


robal wrote:

The US has also turned into a police state for some time now...

A police state is one where the authorities keep a tight grip and everything is controlled. The USA, where they aren't even able to control lunatics with guns (or gun ownership in general) and the president is in a questionable mental state, is certainly going in the opposite direction right now (towards anarchy).


"A police state is one where the authorities keep a tight grip and everything is controlled".

You´re talking about Martial Law. I´m referring to the augmented police presence
and control after the 911 terrorist attack and the nationwide militarization of police
forces. There is also increased police suspicion of foreigners as evidenced by profiling.

"The USA, where they aren't even able to control lunatics with guns (or gun ownership in general) and the president is in a questionable mental state, is certainly going in the opposite direction right now (towards anarchy)."

There could be lunatics anywhere in this troubled world. If you really want to kill someone, it doesn´t have to be a gun. To prevent gun ownership, you have to change the constitution of the US which is the right to bear arms. The president´s mental state is fine. The economy will improve greatly that will generate jobs for Americans. There´s no anarchy nor there will be. Trust me!


Well, my opinion (which I admittedly described a bit exaggeratedly) is in line how much of the world sees the USA right now.
I agree that there won't be anarchy - the democratic institutions are strong enough to survive the current confusion. But there are multiple developments breeding hate on many sides (locally and abroad) - and hate is a bad guide in any decision!

(But we are off-topic here ...)


The USA being one of the most observed countries due to her involvement in international affairs certainly attracts varied opinions worldwide. There will always be divisions depending on every country´s situation and it´s guaranteed that NOT everyone will be pleased.


Yes, we are off topic! Sorry...


A bit off topic but I wouldn't want to visit the states at the moment and that country's likely future means I'm not looking at a so much as family holiday there any time soon.
However, perhaps we're a tad negative as the topic is where we'd like to be, not where we want to avoid.

Fred wrote:

A bit off topic but I wouldn't want to visit the states at the moment and that country's likely future means I'm not looking at a so much as family holiday there any time soon.
However, perhaps we're a tad negative as the topic is where we'd like to be, not where we want to avoid.

Fred, I totally disagree with you, on this one. The topic thread is "If you could live anywhere, where would you choose?"

It never ceases to amaze me, that "people" persists upon looking at the world, thru their rose-colored, tunnel visioned spectacles.

Providing only the "pros", and none of the "cons" about a country, is mis-leading, unfair and out-right deceitful, by omitted intent.

Providing  the negative information of places (best to be avoided), goes hand-in-glove with providing pertinent information, and thus, leading to the making of a fully "informed" decision.

Conclusively,  in my considered opinion, beppi's post was spot-on target, as it spoke to the sociological truths, regarding the current trends, and subsequent events, within (the society of)  the "adolescent" U.S.A.  Thank you, beppi. We, who persistently endeavor to live, within the real world of things, appreciate your "unwavering" candor.:top:

I agree with you .It's a free to pick and everyone can express her wish ,thought or dream

England or Sweden  :)

beppi wrote:
robal wrote:

The US has also turned into a police state for some time now...

A police state is one where the authorities keep a tight grip and everything is controlled. The USA, where they aren't even able to control lunatics with guns (or gun ownership in general) and the president is in a questionable mental state, is certainly going in the opposite direction right now (towards anarchy).

The United States has always been an "arbitrarily" applied, law enforcement Police State. The events of the past 104 years (at least), has made that point abundantly clear, especially to those (home-grown) U.S. citizens, who've been paying attention.

For example, The U.S. Constitution, one of the greatest documents, ever composed in human history, was also one of the greatest misnomers of a "republic" foundation, ever conceived, in human history, as well.

I was always led to believe, that the Ostrich is indigenous to Australia. However, that bird is definitely coming home to roost, in the U.S. :cool:

Mohamed haiyum wrote:

England or Sweden  :)

Sweden is definitely the better choice, assuming you know "how" to behave. If not, then England will definitely provide for, your best "cup of tea", in that regard. Good luck. :cheers:

robal wrote:


"A police state is one where the authorities keep a tight grip and everything is controlled".

You´re talking about Martial Law. I´m referring to the augmented police presence
and control after the 911 terrorist attack and the nationwide militarization of police
forces. There is also increased police suspicion of foreigners as evidenced by profiling.

"The USA, where they aren't even able to control lunatics with guns (or gun ownership in general) and the president is in a questionable mental state, is certainly going in the opposite direction right now (towards anarchy)."

There could be lunatics anywhere in this troubled world. If you really want to kill someone, it doesn´t have to be a gun. To prevent gun ownership, you have to change the constitution of the US which is the right to bear arms. The president´s mental state is fine. The economy will improve greatly that will generate jobs for Americans. There´s no anarchy nor there will be. Trust me!


Surely, you jest. If not, then I would not bank on that ^ last paragraph belief, if I were you. :cool:

I am living in the United Arab Emirates since 42 years i like it it is suitable for work, upgrading your level of living , stable family life, social relations  education and tourism

Mauritius and Seychelles for atleast 6 months each year. Its a nice place to refresh.


I thought about these 2 islands... I´m curious why exactly do you favor them...


That is very correct

St Kitts in the Caribbean...I lived there from 2001-2003 and my wife and I loved it....we left to travel internationally and we love this too. We own a home in Cha Am Thailand with its own pool and 200 yards from blue ocean....but we still like at Kitts.

If I could live anywhere, I would like to live in a nice area of Mexico not to far from the USA

I guess Kigali-Rwanda, at least for a year ..
I have been there few times and it is so relaxed and clean

in my old village next to my parents house in small city called Yogyakarta, 600km from Jakarta- Indonesia

Live your expat project without any stress thanks to advice from expats