I have an interesting situation and am wondering if you have some insight.
My husband and I live in Canada and created a Dominican LLC in 2017 but never received the paperwork from the lawyer in Sosua who created the corporation due to timing and circumstances. It wasn't a big deal because our plans changed and we no longer needed it.
I did some research and can see that the corporation was filed with the government. There has been no activity in the corporation since it was created.
We are now in the process of trying to get the lawyer in Sosua to send us our corporation documents because we now want to use it, but he has been delaying and making excuses for six months as to why he cannot send it to us.
Back in July he told us: "In Dominican Republic when you have a corporation you have to make tax declaration yearly even when there is not activity on it. If there is not activity you do not pay taxes and if you have profits then you pay some taxes. Also the Registro Mercantil is issued just for two years and you have to renew it, and the board of Directors are choose for certain time that on a meeting should be change or reelected."
Every time we contact he him he keeps making excuses as to why the renewal has not been done yet.
We have another lawyer in Las Terrenas who is willing to help us update our corporation as we are purchasing a property there and want to use it for the purchase but we still need access to the original corporation paperwork before he can do that.
How can we get the paperwork we have already paid for but the lawyer in Sosua is not providing it to us? I have already contacted the Taxpayers Control Unit of the Puerto Plata Local Administration and they say if we come in person they may be able to help but we have no plans to go to that part of the island for awhile as we are still in Canada.
The lawyer in Las Terrenas says he can do research to get the paperwork for us but of course it comes with a large retainer fee.
Is there any other way around this?
Your insight is appreciated.