Studying in a college in Korea

Dear community,

Perhaps, some of you are students, are currently enrolled in a college in Korea or have studied in Korea for years. Therefore, i'm coming up to you for asking you help on a dilema I am currently facing.

A few months ago, I've applied for 5 Korean universities for entering Master's degree. So far, 2 has given back a positive answer and have accepted me for fall semester of 2021. I'm going to introduce the 2 universities that accepted me and the curriculum and explain the problem.

The first one is a Master's degree in International Developpement at HUFS (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies), which is very good curriculum as I want to work internationaly, and moreover, there are a lot of foreigners and it's in Seoul.

The second one is a Master's degree in International Trades and Economic Cooperation at Kyung Hee University. This one if very interesting because the curriculum is more complex, has a lot of internship proposal and possibility to study abroad. The thing is, the campus is in Suwon.

Both are good, but I've never been to Korea. I want to try this new experience but I don't know anything about Suwon.

Has any you been there ? Has any of you studied in those university and can talk about your experiences ? Which you think would be the best studying experience ?

Thank you in advance guys,

Much Love !

Moderated by Priscilla 3 years ago
Reason : Your title has been modified for more visibility

Hello LarryHelpMe,

Welcome to and thank you for introducing your expatriation project to us.

As you do not know South Korea, I invite you to first go through the South Korea Expat guide. You will find some information about studying there and it can also help you.

Hope that some other members here will be able to guide you and share their experience with you.

Why did you choose South Korea as destination?


Priscilla Team  :cheers:

That is great for me

Excellent guide, thanks for the answer, it will help my brother a lot.