How to get hotel management course in south korea for indian students

I want a help from u all my friends, i want to study hotel management course in south korea, what are all the steps should i take from the begining till i get in the college.
Plz reply me soon,

Welcome to,
The best thing I could advise you to do is to go to Google and pick the schools which interest you and to send them emails for information.
Good luck

hello 2 all ,
how u all r doin, well, Is there any Indian student who is presently doing a job or studying in South Korea, I want some information and help regarding studying in south korea. Plz, contact me, i'll be very gratefull to u.

Why don't you go to Switzerland?It offers best hospitality education in the world.Try Les Roches or Glion.

kindly guide me the colleges from where i could study hotel management course. Also entry requirement and tuition fee?