Studying in a South Korean University

Hello, I plan to study in a South Korean University, my two option at the moment are: Kaist and Yonsei Underwood international College, because both of them offer Business bachelor degrees taught in English, with that being said would like to know if it would be possible for me to be accepted in those universities as an international applicant based on the information below.

Some information:
My Higschool grades into the American Gpa it will be something a bit over 2.71 (b-)
I study in a good University here in Brazil and my accumulative grade is 9.0 ( the maximum is 10.0)
I am learning German and I will take the Testdaf (test to show your level in German) next year
I know Portuguese ( my native Languague), English (My toefl ibt score was 110) and Spanish advanced
I have been working for 1 year now
I will start learning Korean next year.

Is there any other good like Yonsei and Kaist, in South Korea where classes are taught in English that you can recomend me?

The top three Universities in Korea are  Seoul National University, Korea University, and Yonsei University, often tagged the "SKY" trio. Since they are supposedly the best, you might want to check out their programs.

hyukjin7 wrote:

The top three Universities in Korea are  Seoul National University, Korea University, and Yonsei University, often tagged the "SKY" trio. Since they are supposedly the best, you might want to check out their programs.

Thank you for the answer

Well being a student here myself, I would recommend you to go for KAIST but keep in mind it is the most competitive place to get admission in Korea.  Apart from it, there is SKKU Business school which provides business degree in English.  KAIST & SKKU are the top two in terms of MBA degrees.  As mentioned in other comment SKY is Korea's top three schools but not in terms of Business degrees. 
Scholarship quota is based on your country and university's quota of having foreign students more than your qualification.  This is what I know from my experience. 
Good luck!

Thank you

Dear Adamamit,

First of all I too reciprocate greetings to you. I am a new Indian Professor of Maths. in SUNY Korea: joined on 24 February, 2014 on 2 yrs' contract. As you are having enough exposure to Korean Universities, please advise if an Indian student may plan to study for LL.M. degree here. Our own eldest grandson (Rahul Mishra, 24 yrs. old, finishing his 5 yrs. integrated course of B.A.-cum-LL.B. degree from University of Allahabad (the 4th oldest Univ. in the Indian sub-continent including all the fragments: Pakistan, Bangladesh) desires to complete his Master's degree in Law here. I seek your advice and guidance at your earliest convenience. 

With best wishes,

SUNY Korea: April 08, 2014                                                                       Prof. Dr. Ram Bilas Misra

(Moderated: no phone number on the forum pls )