Study in korea

My name is nasrin
I like study in korea!
Can you help me?:rolleyes:

Hi nasrin,

Welcome to

As you were off topic, I created a new discussion as from your post on the South Korea forum.

Can you please give us more details about the study you would like to do?

Thank you

Hasnaa Team

Its sikander from pakistan.
I want to study automotive engineering in korea.

Can u help me to find a right university.

Reply me as soon as possible

Hi Sikander9696,

Welcome to :)

Maybe if you do a research on the google search engine for automotive universities, you will find some. :)

Thank you,

Priscilla team

its sikander from pakistan.
I want some advise for student visa for korea.
I have 2 questions

Is this is possible that when i complete my course i have a chance to settle in korea.

How much time i have to spend in korea for nationality

Hi! Check this site out:;jsessionid=wBpOxv0OzGkFLX2GkPb0Cg__.node_10 It can be very useful in your search for a Korean university and/or a scholarship in Korea! :D