
Can I take a bus to Talca when I arrive in Chile?

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I will be flying into Santiago, but my Chilean wife is in Talca. New rules seem to be a 10 day quarantine. Can I travel by bus to Talca to do my quarantine there?

I am officially married to a Chilean spouse and we have a child who is Chilean, too. There were some special exemptions for family members of Chileans issued in October that specifically allowed us to travel by public transport from the airport to do the quarantine at home in a province. Is this still possible?

See also

The Working Holiday Visa for ChileVisas for ChilePermanent residency and citizenship in ChileRentista temporary visa applicationTemp visa: criminal record certificate

I believe that you cannot travel on public transport to a place as far away as Talca. This rule applied to all of my Chilean clients. The rule is you that you need to reach your place of quarantine within 2 hours and you cannot take public transport.
The good news is that, unless you come from a country like South Africa, if you have your Chilean pasaporte sanitario, your time in quarantine will only be around 12 hours. You will be subject to a PCR test when you arrive at the airport and the results come really fast. Mine was in 8 hours. Once you have the negative result you can go wherever you want.


There are plenty of places on-line to buy a bus ticket Santiago - Talca, the trip taking 3-4 hours.  There is no mention of a time limit, so you may want to try to talk to someone using the contact info found on the web page.

The first link below has as an option, renting a car yourself, or hiring a driver, Santiago - Talca.  You may be able to avoid the quarantine restrictions doing that, versus taking a bus, and it's not that expensive: … iago/talca … cf4-63tn3x


get a hotel in vina del mar. the quartine is only for 3 days if yoyr covid test is negative. ir just stay alone for 3 days. im sure 3 days will not kill you.

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