
The lessons of the crisis in Mexico

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Hello everyone,

While there is still a certain amount of uncertainty in our lives, the situation seems to be beginning to change in Mexico and globally.
We have had to show courage, tenacity and even ingenuity in many areas, in the way we work, in being alone or with our families, in how we look after our children, or we channel our stress and emotions in the face of this health crisis that has turned our daily lives upside down.
We wanted to hear your feedback on these last few months in Mexico.

What will you remember from this very special period?

Have these unusual times allowed you discover things about yourselves or your loved ones?

Did this period lead you to make changes in your lifestyle that you would like to maintain in the future? If so, which ones?

How do you plan for the future in Mexico? Have the last few weeks caused you to review your priorities or certain projects?

Thank you for your contribution and take care of yourself,


See also

Living in Mexico: the expat guideNeurologists in Quintana RooTransporting pets to MexicoInformation on Merida ? US couple considering move.How to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in Mexico

Hopefully, this time has allowed the climate to recover a little. We as a world population have been complacent about what has been happening. Hopefully, people have learned to find out things for themselves instead of just watching the media spin stories.

Fortunately, the people of Mexico have gone through enough conflict to be resilient. They help each other find a way to survive. They find a job or a way to get to work. That doesn't mean they are immune to the major propaganda to drive the fear agenda, but usually, that does not cause them to turn against each other. I say that because only some threw bleach on nurses and others responded to those nurses with kindness. The guilty were jailed. Terror driven behavior didn't grow and spread.

I actually didn't learn anything I didn't know about my life here and how I feel about whats going on.  I did become much more fully aware of what is really happening. But I would do that anyway. Plus I deliberately avoid almost all of the news media except weather reports.

I think that some people have realized that this is an opportunity to look at their health and question what they are being told which is good. Confinement beyond two weeks has done far more damage in places like the U.S. and there is no history of that ever working. It needs to stop so people can rebuild all of the shattered economies and work on preventing something like this ever happening again.

Ian Huntington

We live about 30 minutes outside Mahahual in Quintana Roo. 

The Pueblo of Mahahual was entirely shut down during the pandemic except for the small grocery stores, the hardware store and a limited amount of services.  There is a security road block to prevent access into town of all non essential people and deliveries.  The town is normally supported entirely by tourism especially the large cruise ships which dock at the Costa Maya port.  It has literally became a ghost town as 80%+ of the workers were laid off.  Many of the workers live in distant communities and they simply left.

Life for us, living on a scantily populated beach well outside town, didn’t change dramatically.  There have been no guests or neighbors but we’re a couple of introverts anyway.  Our housekeeping staff stopped coming.  Our diet has changed a bit as we couldn’t drive into the capital Chetumal for US/Canadian food products.

Here the “stay at home orders” have not yet been lifted for this part of Quintana Roo.  From the perspective of this gringo, the government of Quintana Roo has so far done a very good job of limiting the virus in Southern Quintana Roo.  I have no idea what things will look like in the future for the workers and business owners in the area.


Though tragedy has spread throughout the world, it has given me a broader perspective on my life and my future choices.  I am newly retired, single, with a grown daughter in New York City.  Naturally I have not been able to see her and it’s heartrenching.   I came back to Seattle from five months in Puerto Vallarta on March 31st, thinking I would be “safer” at home.  But clearly, it is not.   And many Americans are not following protocol.    It is pure selfishness.    I do my best to stay healthy and stay in touch with friends and loved ones.   I have become more creative with my poetry writing and cooking and give thanks for these attributes.   The question is...willI I be able to return to MX in the Fall?   I miss my life there and all that it has given me.   I do believe all of us should spend time living in at least one other country, to open our hearts and minds and to be a true participant in this world.   Sadly, the US government has lost its soul.   Stay well.🌶.  Arlene


Arlene, I think you should keep this opinion to yourself  "And many Americans are not following protocol.    It is pure selfishness" 
Those who are not as financially secure as you are, are not selfish.

Those who don't have a job and cannot pay the rent are going to be part of a major economic disaster not to mention the human factor. the death toll from that will be more significant than any virus. Walking in lockstep with those who demand the forced shut down has not really been a viable option since the first month.


Travellight, I have always enjoyed your posts but I stick to my comment.   By this I meant the three main steps....wearing a mask, staying at least 6 feet apart, and washing hands frequently.   I am not as financially secure as you may think.   And I was not referring to the economy.   Jumping to conclusions WSU’s unfair.   Thanks, and stay safe.


was unfair


You are of course welcome to your opinion, but you are not welcome to refer to people who do not share your opinion as selfish.

I have spent many hours researching and observing what is happening. I have seen people here who are having major problems and I have helped them. I am also aware of the economic toll in the U.S. I know people who can't pay their bills. You could be one of them, but from your comments I would say you are not or you wouldn't be pointing at others saying they are selfish.

I suggest you look around and see what is really happening.  Is everyone following the new rules or is it just the people?


personally I think it is a big scam by the USA and sadly to say Mexico copied their way of supposedly dealing with it  The consequences of shutting down the economy, and printing unprecedented amounts of money, could be crippling to the average person—particularly savers, retirees, and investors.Further, governments have granted themselves all sorts of new powers. The devastating impact on personal freedom and liberty will be long-lasting. they never did for any other type of flu in history it was just a big cover up to divert their financial problems and now the can blame it on the virus. We will be paying very dearly for their actions with anything you need to buy. It might sound far out but just think about it.


hnsberk wrote:

personally I think it is a big scam by the USA and sadly to say Mexico copied their way of supposedly dealing with it  The consequences of shutting down the economy, and printing unprecedented amounts of money, could be crippling to the average person—particularly savers, retirees, and investors.Further, governments have granted themselves all sorts of new powers. The devastating impact on personal freedom and liberty will be long-lasting. they never did for any other type of flu in history it was just a big cover up to divert their financial problems and now the can blame it on the virus. We will be paying very dearly for their actions with anything you need to buy. It might sound far out but just think about it.

Thank you for being informed, keep passing it on so that everyone can be informed.


Totally agree with your comments.,same thing here in Montréal, Canada.


It´s not over.  Latest news on-line for this weekend for Mexico.  Maybe we shouldn´t be putting our heads in the sand?

Saturday breaks record with 3,329 new Covid cases; total reaches 68,620
More than 6,000 new cases were added to the tally over the weekend while the death toll passed 7,000 with 405 fatalities reported Saturday and Sunday


adson wrote:

It´s not over.  Latest news on-line for this weekend for Mexico.  Maybe we shouldn´t be putting our heads in the sand?

Saturday breaks record with 3,329 new Covid cases; total reaches 68,620
More than 6,000 new cases were added to the tally over the weekend while the death toll passed 7,000 with 405 fatalities reported Saturday and Sunday

Yes we shouldn't have our heads in the sand for numerous reasons. The behavior of those in power especially. I don't give much credit to the numbers quoted. The agenda is to drive fear. The media is selling and fear is an excellent topic.
When the numbers are based just on total death from just about anything those numbers are pretty questionable. There are significant numbers of dead in the normal flu season.  Decades of toxins and corrupted food-like products have taken their toll. There are many sick very vulnerable people. You can't drink 4 liters of coke, cook with chemically created oils eat 12 hours a day, and be healthy.

You have to take that head out of the sand for sure and look at the actual facts. It takes work. Thanks for paying attention.


Destruction of the world economy by the greedy deep state is what's going to eliminate life as we know it ... NOT the stupid virus.  Yes, the virus is real - as so many others throughout our lifetime have been.  And yes, we should take sanitary precautions.  We should be germ-conscious all the time anyway... who wants a cold or flu?  But it's also likely that a percentage of the deaths reported as Covid-19, are deaths from other causes that would have happened anyway.  They just so happened to occur during the "crisis" and it helps the fear factor to have them reported as Covid-19.  I hate to even think this, but here in the US, some hospital staff whistle-blowers have reported this - according to some news reports.  But wait - who can be trusted in the US news media these days??  Isn't this awful??  Let's not let greedy power-mongers take away in 2 months what our parents' generation, and many in our generation have  fought so hard for in the various wars = freedom.  I don't want to be under anyone's thumb.  I'll continue to be extra cautious, but I refuse to be dictated to.


I agree, Arlene, the US government has lost its soul. it actually happened a long time ago but we have been protected from it. it's kind of why I am here in the first place.. and I feel so lucky and blessed to be here. I feel so much safer here than in the US.
I do agree that opening up is essential for those who have lost their livelihood. and we all need to build up our immune systems and be exposed if we are ever to get past this disease...
I am so grateful to Mexico for being a refuge and I hope we can get to a new place of prosperity again so that all these people do not suffer more than they have already..


it's all local. where I am only 12 cases last week, no fatalities, is the word on the street. the week before, no one in the hospital for Covid.

and yes, a TON OF LYING going on about who dies from COVID. I was warned about this by doctor friends way back in early March.


Whatever, Travellight.


Lizdragon, where do you live in MX?  I am convinced that those who do or follow protocol are selfish and refuse to do the right thing....wear a mask and stay a minimum of 6 ft. apart..  There are ways for folks to get back to work, but giving up a few freedoms is a no-no for many spoiled Americans.  Very sad.  It’s disgusting here in USA.  And we will get a resurgence in the Fall for sure.   Thanks for your support.🤗


typo.  do not follow


arleneruby wrote:

Lizdragon, where do you live in MX?  I am convinced that those who do or follow protocol are selfish and refuse to do the right thing....wear a mask and stay a minimum of 6 ft. apart..  There are ways for folks to get back to work, but giving up a few freedoms is a no-no for many spoiled Americans.  Very sad.  It’s disgusting here in USA.  And we will get a resurgence in the Fall for sure.   Thanks for your support.🤗


You have obviously memorized the protocol, and are angry about anyone who is not agreeing with you. Being angry with others clearly does not make you happy. It also will not make others comply with your wishes. Perhaps it is time to wonder what others may know or,  may have experienced that makes them think differently. If you are unable to do that perhaps you should drop the topic.


Resurgence in the fall?  How about now?

Two Weeks After Residents Flooded Bars, Wisconsin Sees Record Number of COVID-19 Cases, Deaths
MAY 28, 2020 BY JOHN WRIGHT 18  <>


adson wrote:

Resurgence in the fall?  How about now?

Two Weeks After Residents Flooded Bars, Wisconsin Sees Record Number of COVID-19 Cases, Deaths
MAY 28, 2020 BY JOHN WRIGHT 18  <>

There are some basic issues there that would be easier to figure out if there were a lot less hysteria and more real facts.
Unfortunately, facts and evidence are suppressed. Currently, doctors are receiving threatening letters telling them to not say anything not supporting the party line.
People who speak out are being banned or censored by social media and numbers are inflated. If they are so sure of what they are saying why are they censoring free speech. Isn't free speech a constitutional right ???
Their "protocols" have never been tested or used before. There's no evidence that they work.  the latest report is that 66% of dark-skinned people in the hospital in NY are people who had stayed at home. One person observed that there are few if any yearly flu deaths this year. Why would that be?

Just common sense, sort of like looking both ways before crossing the street.


Yes, and to add to that, massive amounts of testing kits have become available to the general public now, which surely skews the numbers up.  Assuming the kits are giving accurate results, it makes it look like there are spikes right now, all of a sudden - as if opening things back up has backfired.  That's not true - yet.  I saw a Facebook post (with photos) from a woman in New Orleans who almost died from the virus.  She's going to be OK, but her testimony, her pleas to the public and her horrific photos were eye-opening.  She's a 60 year old white woman - active, slender and no health conditions.  It's easy to let our guard down while we are reclaiming our lives and our economy.  But it made me realize how gruesome this virus is.  So, despite my rebellion against the deep state establishment - who I will continue to mistrust - I am compelled to keep up with the extra sanitary measures for now.  Especially since I am (unfortunately) still stuck in south Louisiana ... for now.


juleed wrote:

Yes, and to add to that, massive amounts of testing kits have become available to the general public now, which surely skews the numbers up.  Assuming the kits are giving accurate results, it makes it look like there are spikes right now, all of a sudden - as if opening things back up has backfired.  That's not true - yet.  I saw a Facebook post (with photos) from a woman in New Orleans who almost died from the virus.  She's going to be OK, but her testimony, her pleas to the public and her horrific photos were eye-opening.  She's a 60 year old white woman - active, slender and no health conditions.  It's easy to let our guard down while we are reclaiming our lives and our economy.  But it made me realize how gruesome this virus is.  So, despite my rebellion against the deep state establishment - who I will continue to mistrust - I am compelled to keep up with the extra sanitary measures for now.  Especially since I am (unfortunately) still stuck in south Louisiana ... for now.

I don't think there is a lot that can be trusted, especially on facebook. I do know that the treatments being used have been shall we say misguided. Vents were a very bad idea. And sad to say some of the photos posted originally were archived photos not even from the US. One was a resus annie which was supposed to be a patient on a vent.


True, but this woman I spoke of is a friend of my friend in New Orleans.  So I believe this one to be accurate.  But it's nice to meet a fellow rebel-skeptic!


juleed wrote:

True, but this woman I spoke of is a friend of my friend in New Orleans.  So I believe this one to be accurate.  But it's nice to meet a fellow rebel-skeptic!

well, Jul I have seen many things done and said that as one doctor put it "doesn't pass the smell test" Much of what I have seen reeks. Most of it has nothing to do with a virus created in China.


Yep - I TOTALLY get it.  Like I said before, it's NOT the virus that's going to end life as we know it.  I damn sure don't want to contract it and get sick, but the other elements surrounding this "new world order" are far scarier.  Peace & Love to us all ...


remember the majority of the people that past away were the elderly and in most cases there lives was only shortened by a few years because of preconditions they had, and who knows what kind of lives they would have had. I believe the possibility of more people passing away  in the near future, might pass away from the causes the government created and not the virus itself.


You make this entire government shutdown of the entire world sound like a fun day at Club Med.


NYC Rob wrote:

You make this entire government shutdown of the entire world sound like a fun day at Club Med.

I really don't know what you are saying NY and I can't see anyone saying what you are quoting. So you will have to clarify.


I expected this exact response from you, "travellight," always making negative replies to any and all of my comments, regardless of the topic—even when you're 100% WRONG.  Please read the original question at the very top of this page, posted by "Loic" on May 20th, describing this horrible pandemic as a, "very special period," as though it were a fun event offered by a tour event planner.  After losing my family business of the past 40-years to this enforced global lockdown, I wouldn't have given it such a pleasing description.  But that's just my opinion, and I'm entitled to it.
That said, in the hopes of keeping this blog entirely friendly and civil, I would suggest that you refrain from your continually antagonistic replies, from now on.


NYC Rob wrote:

I expected this exact response from you, "travellight," always making negative replies to any and all of my comments, regardless of the topic—even when you're 100% WRONG.  Please read the original question at the very top of this page, posted by "Loic" on May 20th, describing this horrible pandemic as a, "very special period," as though it were a fun event offered by a tour event planner.  After losing my family business of the past 40-years to this enforced global lockdown, I wouldn't have given it such a pleasing description.  But that's just my opinion, and I'm entitled to it.
That said, in the hopes of keeping this blog entirely friendly and civil, I would suggest that you refrain from your continually antagonistic replies, from now on.

how is asking you to clarity a negative reply? It hardly merits such a hostile response. I'm sure Loics choice of words was not meant to offend you or anyone else.
Sorry about the loss of your business.


Evidently, English is your second language.


I've never read anything by travellight that would suggest English is not his first language.  However, Loi(umlaut)c's name and location would indeed suggest English is not his first language. 

I just re-read Loic's post.  The tenor of the whole was not in the least suggesting this is or has been a "fun day." 

I too am sorry about the loss of your business.


All of my recent comments were directed to "travellight," Steve, and were entirely sarcastic.  It's obvious that Loic's language skills are exceptional, in every way.  I just found his description of this horrific global lockdown a little underplayed, in my view.  No big deal, in any case. 
"Travellight," has been attempting to dispute and nullify all of my comments on this blog from Day One.  I only wondered how long it would take before he would attempt to post another negative reply to one of my posts, and it didn't take long.  Only TEN MINUTES after I posted my comment today, there was "travellight," replying with a thinly-veiled rebuke, cleverly disguised as actually caring about the demise of myself and my business.  Don't take everything this individual says as being truthful or sincere.


Hello everyone,

@NYC Rob, I'm sorry if I didn't chose the right words, I didn't mean to harm anyone in any way. What I meant by "special" is to the contrary of "normal" or "general".
I'm also sorry that you lost your business.

I'm sure that @Travellight was just trying to defend me, for which i'm grateful too. but as @DivingSteve said, it has not been a fun time for anyone, including me.

Again, I apologize and I will chose my words more carefully the next time.

And yes, my first language is French but on post like these, specially in English, it is proofread by somebody who has a better English than mine.

I really hope you will accept my apologies.

Wishing you a good day to everyone.



P.S : I hope that your sentence

It's obvious that Loic's language skills are exceptional, in every way

was not sarcastic ;)


there is nothing ironic or satirical about your comments directed at me. They are all attacks. based on my not agreeing with your xenophobic comments about Mexico and its people. I made the unforgivable ( in your opinion) mistake of saying that your statement was incorrect.  Despite the fact that that incident was long before the pandemic you have persisted in trying to punish and discredit me.

I am not interested in devising some secret plan to get you.  But I will not continue to let you attack me or others.



Moderated by Diksha 4 years ago
Reason : Inappropriate
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Did anyone actually read the question? How did this devolve into a political debate with insults being hurled? I guess I have learned that hatred trumps love. 😢


bereid710 wrote:

Did anyone actually read the question? How did this devolve into a political debate with insults being hurled? I guess I have learned that hatred trumps love. 😢

Yes, most people did, If you look at most of the previous responses you will see it was a meaningful discussion. Sorry about this, don't let it rune your response. We are dealing with the problem :)

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