
Medical coverage

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I’ve read about medical plans in the DR and some say skip it and get international insurance-has anyone tried their health care.
How about meds-do they have all of the same drugs we have in the U.S?

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I manage a group medical insurance plan.  I work with Humano here and will also recommend Universal. Both are good quality companies with  a variety of coverage options.

Insurance here is much much less expensive than international coverage.   It only covers you here!   

Most of the same drugs are available here and some will have different names but same active ingredients. 

My personal experience has been excellent.  I had a car accident a number of years ago and everything was covered. Later needed some follow ups on my shoulder, all covered. 

Make sure to buy the coverage you need and do it before you get past age 60.  At 65 its almost impossible to get decent coverage!


Thanks-would you pls send me information, links, etc.


I will message you privately honey.


And you are located where?


I am in Santo Domingo!


I am Canadian and intend to move to Santo Domingo around Oct. 1.  I am interested in medical insurance with a local company.  I read below it is difficult to get coverage past 65.  I am 70 in excellent health.  Any options possible?  My gf will be coming with me and needs medical coverage also. She is 28.  Thanks.


Over 65 the only coverage currently available is with ARS Palic.  It's not good coverage for the price but it might be better than nothing.

I am investigating another option but not ready to give my opinion yet.


The real question is how are you 70 years old with a 28 year old girlfriend?  Get life insurance too!


this is from my wife eho is dominican and had insurance before coming to the states 7 years ago, she states that once a resident  i will be able to get a great insurance for about 150-200 a month , i guess i need to be there and become a resident which wills ubmot my app im october before leaving.  will keep you posted later on. i think she mentioned humana or something like that. i will be 63 in sept . will ask her family in DR as well


Not correct,  anyone can buy insurance here. I have a good  package with my group,  under  65 I can enroll you. Cost is close to US  50 a month, includes  dental and  some prescription coverage!




Absolutely.  Preventative care.  Specialists. Emergency.   There are co pays and limits but it's an excellent plan. It's what I have personally.


What are the costs of someone 67 does anyone have an idea


Good information, l did ask this question about short term insurance but l think l posted it on
the wrong thread, my wife and l are vacationing Jan,feb, and mar. are we eligible for insurance
both over 70  and any idea of cost and coverage, Thanks.


For short term insurance and medevac go to this link:   ​​

Its all done online and I have no idea on the  premiums, depends on ages, cover and  duration.

For someone  over 65 enrolling  as far as I know the ONLY option is to contact ARS Palic. I do not deal with them as when I investigated I found the coverage expensive and  sadly lacking!


Thanks for the information, l will check it out…..


Apparently ARS Palic is now MAPFRE Salud ARS in the is the web site address:  No idea about how good they are, but it looks like they offer a lot of services under their various plans.  We did have MAPFRE for ambulance service in other LatAm countries, where they seemed pretty good, so I am going to look into them further for the I am turning 65 also.  So far, we have just purchased short-term medevac insurance for our trips to the DR, but will have to have a better long-term solution soom:)


If you can afford any of the over 60 premiums, you can also afford to just pay for the treatment out of pocket.


Another possibility for smaller things like infections, broken arms, etc is to just go to a local hospital where they patch you up free. Me and a buddy recently did that.


That is not a correct statement.  My current plan, I am over 60, is 3,000 Rd a month.  About US 52 dollars.  A serious accident, heart attack, cancer  etc could easily run up a US 25,000 bill! 

Insurance isn't really about handling the day to day needs, although it helps, it's about the unforeseen and big issues!


If your info is true, and also valid for over 70s, then you should be putting that info out there all the time for those looking for such.  My info is also valid since most do NOT have heart attacks etc there.


Most people don't have heart attacks anywhere, not just "there". The point of insurance is to minimize risk from statistical events so as not to damage one financially.
And being able to afford things out of pocket is relative. Yes, I can pay for a $25k bill, but it would affect my finances. Why do people here think "gringos", as you made that reference earlier, have an unlimited source of money?


jwj938924 wrote:

If your info is true, and also valid for over 70s, then you should be putting that info out there all the time for those looking for such.  My info is also valid since most do NOT have heart attacks etc there.

I responded to your statement regarding age  60 and over. I did not address  70 and over.  I have put this info out repeatedly on these forums but  maybe you are not aware of that!

At age 70  there is almost NO insurance available.  IF YOU ENROLL before age  65 there are numerous options!   Your info is NOT valid. You do not buy insurance because you PLAN to have a heart attack or anything major, you buy it IN CASE you have something major. Two totally different discussions.

Buying insurance is about risk  management and peace of mind!


Glad I didnt say....unlimited....but certainly most can afford to pay for the things that are most likely to happen. If one has a bad heart, they usually know it, and make provisions for that.    Then too , many are just short time tourists, or snowbirds and such.  These people usually depend on being able to make it back to 'the world' in time. I e also seen French guys go to Guadalupe medical. Or American vets go to puerto Rico,  for the VA system.   And some to free local hospitals as even I did..


Planner...ah, so over 70...... and forget it. In their case my advice still holds. So you younger ones, dont pay more than 3k.


Insurance here  currently is not based on the age of the applicant for the most part. My clients from  0 to  age  69 all pay  the same premium (unless they have pre existing conditions) 

***  I am told that is going to be changing and will reflect more of a north american insurance model.  You will pay premium eventually based on age, sex,  smoker and drinking status!

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