
Married couple moving to Dubai (Pregnant)


Hi All, this is my first post!

I have an opportunity in Dubai, the company has provided a 600k AED per annum salary, +bonus, +medical insurance for me and my wife. They offered to put us up in a hotel for 2 weeks while we find accommodation.

However, we've recently found out my wife is pregnant! And she'll be around 7-8 months by the time we move from the UK.

This new and exciting news has obviously made us nervous about the move and whether we should be reconsidering. So before accepting an offer, I wanted to ask the forum for advice on 2 things mainly.
- What should we know about having a child in Dubai?
- is the Salary enough to raise a family in Dubai with the expenses?


See also

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Well the UAE has a pretty good private medical system which as an expat, your health insurance should cover.   So I wouldn't worry about that.

The salary should be enough.  I assume your employer would cover the child health insurance as well and schooling as well at a later stage?


Offer looks pretty good although it all depends on your lifestyle but apparently it's a decent offer. You can live in a luxurious area with this offer.
Having child in dubai is pretty similar to have in any other part of world, health is expensive but is covered in your medical insurance, schooling is expensive but it will start 3 years later down the line. Rest all is manageable with package you have been offered.
Good luck


Will your wife be able to fly at 8 months?