Following your life partner in Belize

Hi everyone,

If love can move mountains, it also makes people move abroad, in countries such as Belize.
Following your life partner in a country with different customs and rules is an act of absolute trust and may require a period of adaptation.
This is why we would like to have your opinion to answer these questions and thus help future expats who are preparing to follow the same track by moving in Belize.

What preparation do you have, or do you advise, to do before your departure in order to make the best of this experience?

What challenges have you faced? In what areas (finding a job, socialization, well-being)? How did you overcome them?

What is the outcome of this experience for you? Would you do it again if the opportunity arose?

Has your relationship with your beloved changed since your expatriation in Belize? Do you have any advice on this subject?

If your expatriation involved children, how did you manage to maintain a family balance in the face of this life change?

Thanks for your contribution!


We moved together to Sarteneja in  January of 2015.  And returned to the USA in September.  Solely for medical issues we became uncomfortable about. 
Make no mistake.  The medical facilities, services, and costs in Belize are more than adequate.  When nervousness sets in it is tough to overcome sometimes.  We miss Belize and the many wonderful friends we made in Sarteneja to this day.  We still wake up every day to the dream of returning. 
Now some advuce.  We drove into Belize.  We had purchased and financed a new truck a month before.

Mistake #1. 
The bank had a policy of one year of ownership before allowing travel to a foreign country.  So we were able to find a titled truck to drive.  If you are taking a vehicle make sure it will clear through two countries.
Mistake #2.
We arrived at the border late on a Friday afternoin.  You guessed it.  Had to leave our truck, belongings, trailer in lock down until Monday.  Clearing by mid afternoon. 
Plan to arrive at the border early in the day.  A night in Chetumal  will prove beneficial.  You will be visiting there from time to time any way.

Other than these two, annoying glitches and a personal bias about a unique medical situation Belize lived up to its reputation as a destination for some quality living experiences.  Go for it!!!