Update: state schools teach in English

Hi Everyone

As it was very difficult and painful to get this information i want to pass it along to help and save lots of time for anyone is looking for this info. Please note that's for middle schools
After a long search and contacting every single state,church,private and international schools in Malta only 2 state schools teach in English St Clare college and Marina Regina Collage
Church schools use both languages,private and international schools teach in English


Thank you Noah, I am trying to find an English teaching state school for our little girls to attend when we move over.  Which school did you end up going for?

Alison77UK wrote:

Thank you Noah, I am trying to find an English teaching state school for our little girls to attend when we move over.  Which school did you end up going for?

If you look on search there are a lot of posts about schooling, good luck.

Hi Allison

Because of covid we decided to wait and see what happens as everything unstable in the whole world

Thank  you Noah for your huge efforts

HI Noah,

Thanks a ton for the information i was searching a lot for this finally got to see ur post.. I m from India and wanted to join my kids in state primary school this will help me to choose the location for staying ..

plz let me know ur experience with the school.

Hi Shirisha

We decided not to go anywhere because of the pandemic as it is not save or wise to go anywhere during this time even if we have the vaccine at the end that's the way we see it to be safe and to help everyone one else to do the same
Thanks and good luck