
How do you navigate your expat identity in Mexico?

Anne-Lise Mty

Hey guys in Mexico or wanting to move there,

Fellow expat Stephanie has sent us a piece about how she navigates between her British-ish and her French-ish identity and we thought we would share it with you.

Her opinion piece is featured on our magazine:
Opinion: Does being an expat mean I’ll always be the outsider?

We would love to know what you think!

Happy Thursday,

See also

Living in Mexico: the expat guideMexican mail order pharmacy, pharmacy in GuadalajaraPuerto EscondidoNeurologists in Quintana RooTransporting pets to Mexico

A good article, it definitely captures the other world quality many of us feel. Some struggle to make a new place like home, continuing associations, and lifestyles like the lifestyle they had in their primary country.

I have tried to join and fit into where I am. Although I have been fairly successful for the most part, there are gaps for sure.
When I visited my country, like Stephanie I was a little lost. My country had moved on in ways I had not anticipated. Things were different.

So now I do feel like an expat everywhere.


I agree. A very good article. I love the idea of a "superpower" because it is so true. To be able to speak another language and, more importantly to "speak" another culture, is indeed seen like a superpower not only by the people that don't choose to do it but also by the people of the country you are adopting. Communication is always the key. Fluency is less important. It will come with time. Being open-minded, curious, respectful and accepting enriches your life so much.