
Having some issues with "persondataloven" regarding sending x-rays.

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long story short, I moved to another country and I'm continuing my dental treatment, for which my current dentist told me it would be useful to have my old x-rays, I contacted my previous clinic and they told me that because of persondataloven they can't give it to me, and they can only give it to my new dentist only if he has a secure way of communication, which he apparently doesn't.

Anyone knows anything about this?, what can be done?.


See also

The health system in DenmarkPreventive care in DenmarkHealthcare care coverageHealthcare coveragePakistani doctors in denmark
Nellie Berg

Hi Penguin,

It seems that you cannot do anything if your dentist isn't cooperative.
This statement is from 29th December, 2019.

Perhaps you could persuade the dentist to send the x-rays to your e-boks account which is secure communication. If he agrees, you shall add him as allowed sender in your e-boks.

Perhaps send the x-rays as a letter to your present dentistl?

Really bad service.


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