See this website. Am an Andorran resident for a long time, I was able to get a Matricula Temporal plate,for a new car, AFTER I got my Residence Permit in this country, I think you cannot get this Andorran registration plate, if you are passing through, or not -resident in this country. The low taxes here on vehicles would be too attractive for foreigners, and know that the Principality is not a member of the European Community .....
Best Regards.
Matricula Temporal is specifically intended for non residents as well as residents who have a legitimate need for a temporary registration. And from experience, no one at the municipal edifice where all of the documents and verifications are handled, asked any question or cared at all about foreign residency, foreign tax obligations, etc. Nothing of the sort. See the latest regulations, published 01 Sept 2021 here:
https://www.mobilitat.ad/Uploads/reglam … ulacio_reg
Article 23. Matrícula temporal andorrana
1. L’MT es reserva als vehicles que circulen temporalment pel territori del Principat i l’estranger, i són propietat de no residents a Andorra.
2. Es poden matricular únicament amb una MT els vehicles tipus turisme (categoria M1), autocaravana (categoria M1, codi de carrosseria SA), furgoneta de càmping (categoria N1 modificada a furgoneta de
càmping) i motocicleta (categoria L3).
3. Els vehicles que es vulguin matricular amb una MT andorrana han de tenir una antiguitat màxima desde la data de fabricació: