
DR based medical insurance questions


I have a few questions that came up in a conversation about DR medical insurance:

1)  Can someone who is not a legal resident in the DR purchase and be covered by a DR medical insurance plan like ARS Palic, Humano, Universal,  etc?

1a) With no cedula for an ID, is a passport used instead?

I had always heard that age 65 was the maximum age to enter such a plan, but now I am hearing it might be 70 years for some company or companies?

2) What is the maximum age one can enter such a plan and is there a difference between companies on the maximum age?

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At my previous job there were several employees who had insurance even though they did not have a cedula I believe they opted for Humanas' Royal plan, I would definitely recommend you contact them to get more info if I recall right the premium was something like RD$3,500 to RD$3,800 but call them at  809 476 3535.


We have health insurance here with Humano, through Planner.  Although we were applying for residency, that didn't matter.  Passport was all we needed, but I'm sure she will chime in when she has a chance.  That being said, as of Monday, WE'RE LEGAL!!!  Got our cards in our hot little hands!


You only need a passport to apply for insurance.

before age 65 with any company if you qualify and get insurance it stays in place as long as you pay the premiums.  After age 65 it's way morre difficult and few companies offer it.  The plan I looked at was expensive and restrictive.


What is expensive. I am in the same boat at 70 and hate to have to travel back to states for minor medical care


First it has to be a small group apparently minimum 3 people and for age 70 I am told it's about 150 us a.month.  coverage is limited so I investigated no further.  It's with ARS Palic.


Thanks for the replies.  I have had ARS Humano Plan Royal for a while for my family.  It seems to be OK.

My friend got insurance for one member of his family, so it is good to know they don't care about residency.


I have heard that non-residents have less coverage --
coverage nonetheless

A cap on the maximum allowed ....
different than residents.... as in less

any truth to that ?


No truth to that with Humano or with my group.


After 65 will be suject to their doctors team, they will have to run all kind of test before to say yes or not, depending on what kind of deases you area suffering will be the final dicition, if you see will loose money with you for sure will say no.


At 60 you are subject to a doctors check up honey!


Not true Riva. It depends on the insurance agent. I switched from a foreign policy to a ARS Palic policy with my wife as the main stakeholder and an aunt on it too, and I did not need a medical despite the policy stating that for my age group. Six month probation period though.

I was expecting one but in full confidence having had two thorough medical check ups in the preceding 9 months.


Hi Planner,

Is your insurance Humano or is it Humana? I keep searching for Humano and the results are Humana.
I need to price some insurance for myself. Will you send me some information, please?

Thank you so much


I messaged you. And yes it's Humano honey!


I emailed ARS Palic they told me to subscribe i should be 59 years old
i need more info please
thak you


Good day
Can you pls send me same info if you please for Humano


that is the reply

Re: medical plan - Sol. No. 01483358

Servicios via
Thu, Oct 31, 12:13 PM (3 days ago)
to me

Good afternoon,

In this case we can not help you, beacuse we have an excellent Medical health insurance but the ages must be under 59.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause


I will message you regarding Humano.