Planning on moving to Tunisia from the UK

Good morning
Hi I'm new to this site and hoping to get some advice
I live in England now but iv been on holiday to Tunisia
I met the most gorgeous man while I was on holiday
He worked in the hotel where I was staying, we spent a lot of time talking and spent a couple of hours together when we could
We did talk about wanting to be together as a couple (some would say holiday romance) but we did have a genuine connection
Now I'm home we talk every day and he has asked if I would like to move there to be with him as there isn't much chance of him coming to England
We have been talking about having a business over in Tunisia together

I would love to move over there with him and I would probably go tomorrow if I could but iv my son to think of who is nearly 13 ( he wants to move)
My concern is education over there please if anyone has some advice on this as it will be my main factor if I go or not

All I seem to get is negative feedback off other sites telling me that they all lie and try to get to England and they will say or do anything to get here
As with any country I'm sure there will be good and bad people haha iv had no luck with English men!
Please if anyone has any advice on moving to Tunisia with a child would you get in contact
I'm really confused with what I should do! If I go with my gutt I will move as it feels so right but with all the negative feedback so far I'm stuck in what to do

I know I wouldn't get a job out there as I only talk English but I'm willing to learn their language even tho I'm sure it would be very hard
That's why he talked about a business

He's saying all the right things to me so I'm going back over to Tunisia in November hopefully to spend more time with him and meet his family

Thank you for your time

I suggest you visit again before you make a decision about moving-and do research on schools and get more of a feel about life there. A hotel experience and being with all Arabic speaking environment enmeshed in the culture- are very different.  One has to be very dedicated to this process because the reality of it needs you to really know you want it.

As far as I know-there is only one English school and that is in Tunis, by my google research.
You may have to home school him with online  programs.

From experience-Tunisia has a difficult economy.  Investing in a romance with a man and a business can be a good thing.  Invest wisely. Do your "homework".

Hope this helps.

I went there in Sept 2023.  Met someone incredible.   Messaged every day since.

I'm going back Dec.  Not to a posh hotel this time, but a Tunisian house I want to experience how it is to have to shop and travel etc.

Whether he and I develop further is not important.   I want to move there regardless eventually. 

Any advice after 100% decided would be really appreciated 🫶🇹🇳

Hi Beth

The best advice is.. to move out of those big cities/towns,.. go to a small town or country side to experience the real authentic Tunisian every day life.

What makes you to move in to Tunisia, regardless of your love relationship..?

Take care..

I've not moved there yet.

I intend to visit small places like you say.  Visit a lot first. 

I just love the pace of life, the people,  the beauty

I come from a very very rural quiet countryside myself.   



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