Does age matter?

How many expats in Bulgaria (if any) actually packed up and went after the age of 65? With Brexit on the one hand and retirement age on the other, it could be a case of never for me. But if retirement is the only thing stopping me, I will be 66. It does sound a little on the wrong side of 60 to me. What do other people think?
Will setting up a new life there be a little difficult at that age? Would love your opinions as you've already done it.

I moved here at the age of 67. I don't think it makes any difference apart from making sure that your health requirements are in place as the facilities here are usually not what you may be accustomed to.
Language difficulties and not knowing the beaurocratic system for everything is something else that takes time to understand, from residency cards to buying a car. All very confusing and vary from region to region.
Other than that, no problem whatsoever ☺

Fully agree with trnrger. I also moved here when I was 67. The only advice I can give is don't go if you have health problems.

Well hurry up before the whole no deal brexit is going to happen.
You should also look if in case of the no deal brexit your pension will be paid out into Bulgaria.
Of course you will also need a visa for entering Bulgaria and setting up a company for buying a property.