
Cheapest cities in New Zealand

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Hello everyone,

Budget is an important consideration when moving to New Zealand. Ideally, expats would settle down in a city in New Zealand where the cost of living is low but where they could also enjoy a decent quality of life. Would you be able to give a few tips to someone planning a move to New Zealand by answering the questions below?

What are the cheapest cities in New Zealand?

Why are they cheap? What singles them out as a city where the cost of living is low?

What is the average budget for one person living in these cities?

Is it easy to find a job as an expat in these cities? What is the overall quality of life like?

Are they expat friendly? Would you recommend these cities to someone looking to settle in New Zealand?

Please share your experience,


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There are no two ways about it, New Zealand is an expensive country. Rents are unaffordable and food is expensive, while wages are low. After living here for 18 years, I am leaving New Zealand for this reason, sadly. Auckland in particular is unaffordable for a single person. You would have to be in a flatting situation to survive on an average wage. If you want to buy a decent home, you'd need $1 million. I am sad to go but I have no choice. I can't survive here, although I am a professional.

You could consider places like Invercargill, but the opportunities there are limited. Provincial places, such as Hawkes Bay or Taranaki are cheaper than Auckland but they are busy catching up to the big cities what cost of living is concerned. Wellington has similar housing problems as Auckland so I wouldn't recommend it.

Sorry but this is the true picture, despite the fact that NZ is truly beautiful and spectacular. I will miss it.


Thanks Tinka8888 for your feedback.

Wish you good luck in your future endeavours.  :cheers:

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