
Documentary-portraits about handcrafted furniture

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Hello everybody,

I'm a student filmmakerand from the Netherlands and currently working on my graduation project. I have a passion for storytelling and for my graduation project I want to create multiple documentary portraits about people that make unique and local handcrafted furniture in foreign countries. People who make diner tables, bookcases and chairs etc. I'm looking for interesting stories of people that perform real craftsmanship and sell their products locally. I want to bring these stories to my country and create a website that tells the story of these craftsmanships and maybe (option for later) even want to sell their products to people in the Netherlands.

For now I find it really hard to find stories on the internet that fits my idea so I could really use some insider help!

Thanks in advance and kind regards,

Nolan Kuipers

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I know someone who is building furniture  from recycled wood if that helps. The company is here in Tirana


Thanks for your reply, I sent you a PM :)


I have only been in Tirana six weeks  but I will be here for two years. The name of the post Courtney is my daughter. I have met quite a few people in the short time including a teacher from the Netherlands who is teaching here. It is a nice city


I've been in Tirana myself as well last summer, it's indeed a nice and interesting city. I send you a private message, can you reply for some more information of the company your daughter was talking about?


I'll ask around