
Dental Implants

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Hello.  I plan to visit the DR soon to get a few dental implants.  Any suggestions for quality and good prices in Santo Domingo?  Thank you.

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Yes for quality contact Confidental Studio Odontologico,  809-475-1475


If you want to save a fraction of the costs and are also willing to travel, I suggest that you go for a dental holiday in Thailand. I have saved half of what was quoted to me in the US even including the flight and hotel costs. Thantakit International Dental Center is quite popular in dentistry tourism. They're well-known for having dentists who are educated overseas and speak English fluently. I can personally recommend them. My last visit was in 2015 for some fillings and amalgam removal. Cheers.


Seeing as how this is the DR forum,  I will suggest getting it done here for a good price with well qualified dentists right here in this country!


I would guess you will save more than half the price in DR. I almost had it done in Mexico at more then hafllf the price in Canada. I didn’t have the time to do it there.


Our friend owns a restaurant here in Florida and being an owner as you know you don't have anybody paying your benefits you have to pay your own. He had several quotes on getting a bunch of dental work done here in Florida and we told him about going to Punta Cana, so he looked into it ended up finding a great doctor there and got all of his dental work done plus he asked about a price to have crowns put in and they came out beautiful he's 78 years old and has a whole new beautiful smile! Two years later (just last month) his wife decided to have it done, she's very happy! The amount that they paid including staying there for 10 days at a 5 star all-inclusive and having all the work done was thousands cheaper than having it done here in the US😄 definitely worth looking into.


Awesome! I had  implants and root canals done here with crowns and stuff and I am very happy.  Actually miserable, I really hate dentists.


Would love to have a recommendation in Punta Cana/Bavaro area for a Clinic or Dr. 


Sorry I don't know any in Punta Cana maybe others do.


The Dentist in PC is Miguel Asenjo. Try googling his website, I think he used to also have a office in Santo Domingo and split his time between both. Good luck!😄


Thank you, will check it!


@bauerchiropractic Trinon Implantology Clinic in Santo Domingo


@marekwiderak The thread is almost 5 years old, pretty sure they got their dental work done by now.


Hello everyone,

Please note that I am closing this old thread.

If you have any recommendations, you may add them in the Dominican Republic business directory

All the best


[Topic Closed]


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