ID cards

I am hoping to take my mother in law to get her ID card this week but I have a query.  She is a widow and I am wondering if she will need to provide marriage and death certificate or will her birth certificate be enough?

If anybody has any ideas I'd be grateful. Thanks

As far as I can remember, I wasn't even asked for a birth certificate - just my passport, and the relevant application form.

You can find the application forms in the Downloads section of .  They may help give you an idea of what supporting documents may be required.

Go to the blog: Malta Moving Up and Away and open Haribo's 'Compact Guide' at top of page. Then scroll down to ID section and follow links to stage 1 and stage 2. Very informative, including how to dress for photograph etc.:)

Hi all,

I have some experience of doing the ID cards and I've just done it for myself and my daughter, my main query is whether I will need extra paperwork for my mother in law.

I needed my passport, birth certificate AND my marriage certificate, my daughter just her passport and birth cert.  As my ma in law is widowed, is she likely to need her marriage certificate and her husbands death certificate. 

Hope that makes my query a little clearer and sorry if I've wasted anybody's time.


i think we only provided our passports, but took the divorce papers birth certs and marriage certs as a precaution - by the way the id card is only a means by which you are registering your presence on the island which is essential for stays exceeding three months