
Which School / Best place to move to

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Hi All, i have 2 girls one nearly 5 and one 8 and we are considering moving to Malta, as we love the country - i have seen a lot of peoples comments about moving with children to Malta is not a great idea, however it has not put me off, My question to you is,

Where would you move to? we have been told about few places (that was by estate agent) but we wanted your opinion.

And Which area for School would you recommend?

Please list areas that i can look at, we have been a few times to Malta.


See also

Living in Malta: the expat guideCan't wait to be there!Need your real life experience with kids in Sliema area :-)Best Family Friendly NeighborhoodsNon English speaker 4years old child in Malta

Why not look at previous posts as the subject of schooling has been covered many times.


We specifically moved to Malta for the kids. No complaints so far in that regard.


If the school is your prime concern, you have to pick the school first.  Then I suggest you spend some time in morning traffic from nearby areas.  It can be hell.


thank you for your reply


Hi, thanks for the reply,

Can i ask how your children felt with the move, we are planning on moving from the uk and wanted an opinion. how is life there, how do you find living in the country, how do you find shopping for children there i.e Price for a food shop? and what school would you recommend? thanks


Yes schools are a big thing for us, this is why ive asked for recommend areas, which would you consider? thanks


ive looked and i could not find any recommendation for school


Followyourdreams wrote:

Yes schools are a big thing for us, this is why ive asked for recommend areas, which would you consider? thanks

When replying to someone please click the 'quote' button so we know what you are replying too.

Asking for a area recommendation is pointless when you are looking at schools, find the schools - there really are not that many private ones - read their websites and go visit them.  Once you pick one, look for a place to live nearby.

Schools are all over, why would you start with the area first when what you want is a school?

Every kid and parent is different, one persons amazing school is my nightmare because I think they are rude and unpleasant.  Likewise your kids might not like it etc.  We cant make this decision for you.

I could say go to QSI, do you have $18k/year per kid? I have no idea, so maybe others are better, you need to contact the schools and figure it out for yourself

Tati Tat

We are also at the same shoes looking for schools and areas to live we gonba visit Malta soon and sort all the questions out. My preferebces are St. Paul Bay primary school and Prembroke school and if you dont mind live in land schools in Lija and Attard are should be good as well.


Hi, thank you we have now spoken to st pauls bay school and this school sounds excellent, we will be going to visit it in 2 weeks . thank you for your info


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