Mum and toddler groups
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Hi, my name is Gill and have recently moved from Liverpool, UK to the Swieqi area with my fiance and 13 month old daughter. I am looking to meet mums in similar situation and for children of similar ages for my daughter to play with. Searched online and struggling to find any groups like this in my area. Any info would be greatly appreciated?
Many thanks x x x x
Hi Gill,
I am moving to the St Julians/Sliema area beginning of November with my 20 month old daughter and husband. I won´t be driving to begin with until we have sorted a car but I´m sure we can find somewhere to meet up xxx
There is a mother and toddler group on Wednesday morning's at "Once Upon a Time" shop in San Gwann, from 9am till 12.If you drive and use the valley road, its 5 minutes from 5 minutes from Sweiqi. There is another Mum and toddler group in Playbox in St Julians on Wednesday mornings too. Will be arranging a mum and toddler group for expats soon, and Mum's wine and whine nights!PM me if you wnant further details.
Lindseyb- get off the computer and do some packing!!
I will be attending these groups, probably the one in St Julians, oh and especially the wine and whine nights and Damsel I thought you would be too busy nursing your birthday hangover to get on the computer tee hee!!! x
Thanks for replies I will be going the Once upon a time on Wed, other groups especially mums wine and whine nights sounds great if you can post more info on dates and times when known.
Also, I am not driving Damsel would you happen to know a bus which goes from Swieqi well Tal Ibrag is where I live/Or is it walking distance?
Lindseyb am not driving either but there are plenty of buses to get to St Julians/Sliema from here only about 10 mins too. Good luck with your move have a nice flight x
Gill- check your inbox.
Lindsey- do some packing!!
I wish I could come to these but its a nightmare being in Gozo
Lucyskys- Can you get the ferry across or is that a nightmare too? I dont mind to collect you from the ferryport and drive you down to the mum and tots (and back) if you like?
Once we get a car sorted I don´t mind helping with that as well xxx
I have found a mother and baby group, it is on a Tues from 10-12 ish and is in Swieqi this is not far from Sliema about 15 mins on the bus and probably only about 10 mins once your sorted with a car. I went on Tues and was lovely plenty of people there lots of toys for the kids, they have sandwiches and tea and coffee plus really cheap 20 euro for the whole year x
Hello everyone - I've just joined the site although I've been living in Sliema for past 3 years. Have met lots of lovely people but I am now in need of some other Mummy friends as it is getting harder to keep my 14 month old daughter occupied! Damsel, I don't know the Playbox in St Julians - do you know if they have an age limit? Reason I ask is that I know there is a Mum & Baby group in St Julians somewhere (think it's a church?) but baby must be over 18 months... Anyway, I hope to meet some of you soon at one or all of the playgroups you've mentioned!
Hi Carrots!
Actually I am wrong- Playbox is actually called Playzone! And its in Sliema, not St Julians! I am blonde! I know that they have changed their Wednesday coffee morning to the afternoon at 3.30pm too. I dont think there is a minimum age. I havent been to the coffee meetings yet as I am awaiting the arrival of LindsayB. We can meet November the 9th or 23rd if you like. LindsayB isnt it Malta yet, but is arriving this week!!xx My little girl is nearly 4, but LindsayB's daughter is just a little bit older than yours. I am going to the Mum and Tots in "Once Upon A Time" tomorrow too if you are around?
Do you know, I've walked past Playzone so many times and wondered if it ever opens! November 9th would be perfect - I'd love to come and meet you and LindseyB. I've wondered about Once upon a time, it looks great, but Molly still takes a morning nap (never thought I'd complain about her napping but it's getting to be a pain to do things around her schedule!) - does it matter what time you turn up? She sleeps til 10 so I could come after that... Thanks for all that though Damsel, much appreciated!
I thought the same about Playzone! Apparently it only opens in the evenings, but I have only ever seen it open once since March!!
I will be at Once Upon A Time from 10ish, but some people dont get there till half 10 anyway. Its downstairs and 7 euros (robbery, I know!) Dont worry if you are a bit late. I will look out for you. Its not a busy group, so I will spot you easily if you decide to come! If not, I will message you next week about the 9th.
Hi Carrots,
I think the mum and baby group in St Julians is a cana movement one they have a website and is only for babies over 18 months. If you are free on Tuesdays too there is one is Swieqi opposite the church (think it might be Ibrag church not Swieqi) I was going to try to get to Once upon a time but am not driving and no bus route to take me straight there. The one in Swieqi is 20 euros for the year x
Hi Everyone,
Sorry only just seen this, I´ll be up for the 9th definitely. Carrots my daughter is 21 months this week so fairly close in age. I´m all packed now, removal men picking up tomorrow (still stressing it takes 3 weeks grrr) and we fly Thursday. Can´t wait to meet everyone xxx
Thanks everyone! Damsel, didn't get a chance to check out buses for OUAT this morning but definitely will be coming in the future...think my little one would love it. Looking forward to seeing you next week though. Actually, I've seen Playzone open twice this week! - must be a seasonal thing eh? Gill, can you post details of the group in Swieqi - I'll try to get down this coming Tuesday. Playzone would be good for you too as it's on the main road and should be lots of buses from Swieqi to Sliema. Cor Lindsey, I don't envy you having to pack everything up! And three weeks delivery? Blimey... Let me know if there's anything you need to borrow (particularly baby things?) while you are waiting. Have a good flight - will meet you next week!
Okey Dokey Carrots, I might not be on here for a while as I´m not sure how long it will take us to get connected to the Internet at home, in the meantime Damsel has my number so if we all arrange something through her that´d be great. Its taking 3 weeks as we are having to use shipment containers to get the stuff over as it was organised at such short notice all the proper removal companies were already booked Oh well we´ll cope, Lidys ready to move onto a new bed anyway so that's one less thing and we have brought a travel booster chair for her and she seems to like that so its just toys really but we are paying extra baggage to take a suitcase full. Anyway best be off up at 3am tomorrow for our flights so see you all soon Yay xxx
Hi Carrots,
Yeh have noticed that playzone on the front but as you mentioned always looks closed! The playgroup in Swieqi is on Tal Ibrag Road it is opposite the main church in Ibrag, if your getting the bus its the 11/12 that take you closest x x
Damsel - again sorry I'm so long at replying I could come over to Malta I've got a car but never driven in Malta. I'm in the UK at the moment but hopefull when I get back to Gozo I can arrange sometime when I can come along! But thanks so much for the offers to pick me up
Hi all,
We have now been in Malta for 2 whole days. Just moved from over from London. I've got 2 kids, a 4 year old girl and a 1 1/2 year old boy. Both are already climbing the walls and being incredibly mischievous. They woke up this morning looking as though they have got chicken pox, turns out the mosquitoes have had a feast - oops. Have now got repellant.
We are currently hunting for somewhere to live. We are staying in Gzira in my boyfriends work apartment temporarily but it's only got 2 bedrooms which isn't working too well. We are looking in the Sliema area.
If anybody fancies meeting up that would be great. Otherwise let me know when you head to your next toddler group and I'll pop along.
Hi Kath and welcome to Malta! I'll be at Playzone, Tower Rd in Sliema on Weds afternoon (and hopefully a few more Mum's too) with my 15 month-old daughter from 3.30pm onwards - would be lovely to meet the three of you... Good luck with the househunting in the meantime!
Hi Kath & Carrots,
I've only been here 3 weeks as well so there´s a lot of newbies here and I´m meeting some great people already. I´ll be at playzone too so see you there xxx
Playzone is opening early for us, so see you there at 3pm! Have talked the owner into opening every Wednesday at 3pm for us too instead of 3.30pm, as some of the Mums requested it.
Looking forward to seeing you/meeting you all!
Hi my name is Katie and I only just join the site.I have moved here from the uk last april and I got a daughter who will be 9 months on the 17th.I am looking for baby groups in Gozo or Malta but would perfer gozo has it will be less hassle has im in gozo and I don't drive.I am looking to meet mums in similar situation and for children of similar ages for my daughter to play with.
Hi Katie,
I can´t help you with Gozo, but there´s a lot of mums that meet at Playzone in Sliema, Malta 3pm on Wednesdays. Probably a massive trek for you but thought I would let you know xx
Aww ok lindseyb.I would love to come but i think there be a problem with getting there
Hi all
I will be coming over to Malta on the 24th of March and my son wil be 12 months on the 26th of March! I am very interested in meeting other mums with babies as we don't know anyone and would love to get my son involved in a mothers and toddlers.
On the 26th (monday) we are looking for rental accommodation so hoping to secure something quickly. Until then we are staying at the Maritim Antonine in Mellieha.
Hi SummerRaine,
Me, LidseyB, Carrots, Gillmc84, Kath Thomas and quite a few other expat mums always meet on Wednesdays, 3pm till 5pm at Playzone in Sliema. Sometimes we meet in the park with the kids on Sunday afternoons too and we plan tohave picnics, beach days etc in the Summer. You are welcome to join us, although Melliah is a bit of a journey to Sliema. We also arrange girly nights out too. Tonight we have arranged for a curry and beer night!
Hello, my name is Lynsey and I moved to Malta 2 weeks ago
I have a 14 month old daughter who is into everything and everyone. Would love to meet up some other mums to make new friends. My daughter is very active and would love to take her to playgrounds. Please can anyone let me know if you still meet up and if it would be ok to join you all?
Hi Lynsey,
Welcome. You arrived at a great time, weather is fantastic now!
We still meet up on Wednesday at Playzone from 3pm onwards. There are a few mums with daughters the same age as yours.
I've got 2, a girl age 4 and a boy age 2. We spent most of our time in the park at Qui Si Sana, which is near The Point shopping centre (Tigne Point). There are 2 parks pretty near you in Gzira and Msida. Pretty much all of the parks are along the waterfront so if you walk in either direction you'll hit one.
Come along on Wednesday though, be great to meet you
Hi Lynsey, Molly's Mum here! Sorry, just sent you a private message as I'd forgotten how to use the board... Anyway, was just to say Playzone are opening Monday and Friday morning's at 10am over the summer - starting this Monday (9th). You might also be interested in 'Alfie likes Music' baby & toddler music class held in the Fortina Hotel in Sliema on Thursday's at 10.30 and 4pm. See you both soon!
I am living in Mellieha and I have 2 years old daughter.
I would be very happy if I can join some of your meeting.
Pls can you write me when is the next meeting?
Is the Play zone in Tower Road in Sliema?
Do you maybe organize some meeting in Mellieha, Ghadira Bay? On the sandy beach:)
Thank you.
Hi Marketa11,
Playzone is on Tower Road in Sliema. The venue is open Mondays and Fridays from 10am till 12ish and Wednesdays from 3 till 5. There are always some mums there on these days but Wednesday is the day that we are usually all there. So see you this Wednesday??
As for meeting in Melliha, most of the mums dont drive so it would be difficult and timely for them to travel there but you are welcome to suggest the idea to the mums if you like!
Hi everyone!
I'm Cherisse, I have a 13 month old son called James and we moved to Birzebugga a couple of weeks ago with my husband!
We were having a look round Sliema yesterday, found Playzone so James and I hope to join you all on Wednesday afternoon whilst hubby is away discussing jobs )
Hi Cherisse, welcome to Malta! We'll be at Playzone (as usual...not much else to do!) on Wednesday so look forward to meeting you and James...
Hi All,
I noticed that most posts are from last year and wondered what if any mother baby classes are going on in the Sliema, St Julians area. We have recently had a baby and whilst I am working my partner could do with meeting some people in a similar position. Would appreciate any help
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