
Is there is any indian schools in Hail with CBSC syllabus?

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Please provide me the deails of indian school in Hail. Would please help me. I dont have any frienda there. I am working in Riyadh and going to transfer to Hail at the end of this month
Ashraf ***

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Study in RiyadhStudy in Saudi ArabiaSchools for your kids (age 3-12)If you think finding school in Riyadh is neverending, is not.Student life in Riyadh

Please provide me the details of Indian school in Hail for boys. looking for CBSE syllabus school in hail for class above 8th onwards. it would be of great help for me please . I do not have any friends there. I am working in Qassim  and going to join a job in  Hail in september.
thank you


Please provide me details regarding Indian school in hail for 4 the


Please provide me details regarding Indian school in hail for 4th and 5th grade

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