
american wanting to live in rasht iran

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salam. could maybe anybody give me a lil info. Im an american wanting to retire early and move to iran. in maybe 4 years. I am studying farsi language. i converted to islam. i read in the quran often. i love islam. i love persia beauty. i also know a girl in Rasht iran that i have been talking to for about a year now. will i be safe?

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[Moderated: No critics on religion please] you probably doesn't know much about it or people who guided you told you only beautiful and eye catching words ... anyway, that is your personal choice to be it

and about coming to iran, americans can not get visa to iran. they just can get tourist visa under some very hard circumstances. so forget it or marry the girl somewhere out of iran and then come to iran

good luck


be careful . warrninnnnnnng it is so much dangerousss


it is not dangerous , iran is safe , you can even read about it on any magazine that has sent a journalist into iran.

anyhow gregory profile shows he is 20 ! and he says he would like to retire early !!! it sounds confusing


why islam is bad???!!may be its becouse of iran's government.but i think its a perfect religen.our government show us a wrong the qoran and underestand what i saied.
congradulation to convert to islam
iran is very safe may be evan safer than usa!and love guests


Hello members,

Can we avoid religious related conversation on the forum since it is a highly sensible topic and can cause silly disputes on the platform.


[Moderated: No comment about religion please + Off topic]


Yud wrote:

Hello members,

Can we avoid religious related conversation on the forum since it is a highly sensible topic and can cause silly disputes on the platform.

Sure, but i just cant stay silent about this matter which is full of LIES and hidden and untold things. Some people blindly following whatever they believe instead of studying it before.

however, I am sorry again.

and anyway, I think it is good topic and contains valuable information too.



Hi mochin!

This thread is not about religion so please concentrate on the topic which is about giving information on a particular destination.

Thanks and regards


hey. its greg. yes, im 21 and wanting to retire early. maybe not retire fully. but slow down and not have to work my butt off so much. ive worked hard to get where im at now. i would like to build houses in iran. i hear people say iran is such a bad place. whatever. the people of iran are VERY nice. i speak to alot of them. but the govt. may be a different. idk. i jus want to know that i would be safe living in Rasht, Iran


Armand wrote:

Hi mochin!

This thread is not about religion so please concentrate on the topic which is about giving information on a particular destination.

Thanks and regards

Hi Armand,

I wrote information that the person needed. And as he mentioned he converted to islam, I just gave my opinion regarding that which caused another reply from another person.

The information gregory needed is provided completely.

Thanks for the notice Armand


Hi Greg, :)

I hope other members will be able to advise you about life in Rasht.

I wish you good luck


what do u mean????
u wat to say iran is not well for life????!!


I hope I can live a life well in rasht. Rasht is nicr from pics and videos I see on the net. I Jus wanna be safe


Sure you can live in Rasht safe greg. It is safe and fine and very nice.

about work, also you can teach english in institutes. They pay well to native speakers. Enough for living easily in Rasht.

Hope the information help you.


salam. hey. what about work?  Is the construction trade going good? thats the kind of work I do.


I advised you on your another post Greg. You may take a look.

Good Luck


sooren81 wrote:

be careful . warrninnnnnnng it is so much dangerousss

not this much lady!! it is not a mine field! :D
we are living here!


It can't be that bad. Like around the town Rasht.


Greg, if you want to work in Tehran, and if you teach English (as a native) you could get 15-25$ per  hour
but immigration is a really serious matter, don't you think you should first pay a visit to Iran, and stay here for a while, and then you might decide on that more realistically!
living in Iran has its own rules, nothing is for sure here, and you could do almost anything you want, if you have the money! and construction work is very good here, in case you've got the nerve for it to follow the Bureaucracy here!
I hope this helps, if you needed more info, let me know


Bale. I plan to visit Rasht in the Gilan province in December. I would like to move in about three years. I build houses. That would be my occupation. I plan to marry a girl in Rasht. I convert to Islam. And learning Farsi.


and one more thing about Iranians, just do not judge them from the appearance!
we are just like this, we have so many faces and lives. even I don't know who I am, and how should i act. we are not ourselves. (this is caused by the long period of dictatorship over us)
you are right, people are really friendly, but you might change your mind if you live here for a while.
I also know a British woman living here in Iran. she has converted to Islam too, and owns an institute in Tehran.
I also know that there is a British woman owning a restaurant in Kashan (a very religious city) and she has married an Iranian an has 2 or 3 children.
you have to come here and ask these people about living in Iran!


Bale. I plan to visit Rasht in the Gilan province in December. I would like to move in about three years. I build houses. That would be my occupation. I plan to marry a girl in Rasht. I convert to Islam. And learning Farsi.


I think Persians are very nice people. I been talking with a girl for about a year now that lives on Iran. She says I would enjoy living in Iran. We have gotten serious in the past year. We both want to get married and Jus have a nice normal life. In the countryside. Iran is beautiful to me. So many Americans are leaving the US cause its gone to crap. I want to leave too.


you are right, the countryside is great, I would really love to live there too. esp that I love rain, and it's like tropical places, green, rainy all the time...

I hope you enjoy your travel to Iran.


thanks. i know things are a little rough in iran right now. i hope things get better for the people of iran. i really want to live there oneday. i like islam. i think its the correct way. i love the country. the people. the people are smart. my girlfriend there is going to college to be engineer. i so proud for her. thanks fahimrahimi for the info. you can advise me with any kind of info about iran. the good and the bad.


That was nothing,
Are you a native of America?
How old are you?
what you will see here, is not like Islam! if you want to have real Islam, go to Turkey or Malaysia!
by the way, let us know about your real experience in Iran.
good luck


im 21. born and raised in tennessee. US. i want to go to perpolis. and there is an old castle in the mountains around Rasht. i want to see that. and i jus want to live in the holy land. america has gone to crap. i dislike it here.


Hi Greg ,

I don't know what is it like now in the US, but US is surely better than Iran of course !

For your record, the whole world became worst after the economic crisis. Iran is no exception also. Besides, add the SHARIA LAW to it. Contrary to what Mr. Rahimi said, Iran is pure Islam and the laws are completely Islamic. Can you cope with it? My wife is ukrainian and has converted to Islam even before coming in Iran to live with me. But now she prefers Christianity after seeing the real face of Islamic laws in Iran. And for you as a man, it is easier to cope with these Islamic laws, because Islamic and Iran laws mostly back up men.

My wife and I are now deciding to leave Iran to Ukraine or Armenia. Especially Armenia, because life in there is more simple and free.

Good Luck


yes, i understand with the laws there. They are more harsh on women. I dont break the law. I abide by the law. Im just a normal person. A good person. Want to live in the countryside in Iran and marry a woman and have kids. Have a nice life.


hi gregory
i assure you don`t have any problem in`s a very good and beautiful city with  alot of rainy day!.I live in northern part of mazandaran province.if you have a problem,i can help you


Nice ideas Mochin and Fahimrahimi...teaching English.  Extra money and Farsi lessons trade for.  Saying hello.  Also, thanks for the email links, Julie.  As far as the danger posts.  Laws are different in Iran, but keep in mind five fingers on the hand are still five fingers on the hand.  People are the mostly same everywhere, unless you've never been anywhere.


Dear Gregory,
Don't worry, it's all safe, no one will harm u in anyway
instead everyone tries to welcome you and be hospitable
you may not like the existing atmosphere because of the unfamiliar cultures but you won't get hurt physically or emotionally, no one will haras u in any aspect. Especially people who live in Rasht are very easy going and relaxed,
i feel much more safer in Iran than in Europe


hi gregory...i live in rasht and im alive!!!
there is no problem waiting for you


who are you and why you talki like that, WHY YOU SAID IRAN IS A DANGER PLACE, probably you are one of those who believe whatever media says about Iran , Iran is so safe and much lovlier than expected.
Marry the gal out-side of Iran and welcome to Iran, getting to Iran  for american is not really an easy process.



Hey Greg! you've chosen a very safe town in Iran! Rasht is a nice city with the nice people. they are so free in relationships and dealing with guests and have a open mind. don't worry and carry on your way. you will feel comfortable there. there are cultural differences, though. but it doesn't matter, you can deal with them. By the way, it's rainy with high humidity there. hope u are used to this kind of weather. ;) even if you're not, it's ok. you will get used to it for sure.
Anyway, have a safe and nice move Greg.

the bests,



I'll ask for u & let u know!


are u still in Iran???


hi yeah friend
but im going abroad in 1 year


absolutely !
rash is the most beautiful place in iran . it has free economy . and the girls r so sexy!