Job in Sakhalin for a British nurse

Hello everyone!

I have moved to Sakhalin recently for work purposes, and my girlfriend is currently in UK, just finished university as a nurse.

I am planning on staying here for a few years and would like to bring her with me. It would be ideal if anything could be found in the medical field for her. She cannot speak any Russian at all.

Any ideas and advice would be amazing!!

Thank you all so much!

If she cannot speak Russian, how would she communicate with patients and staff members??

Not everyone in Sakhalin is Russian or speaks Russian

Mutat5 wrote:

Not everyone in Sakhalin is Russian or speaks Russian

Hello, as there are a lot of international oil and gas companies on Sakhalin, I would recommend you to search for medic job vacancies there, as I can suppose they need not only technitians and engineers but also medical personnel. But they might not have any suitable vacancies in internet so you shoud ask them about it. That's my thoughts.