How is life in Ecuador for a stranger?

My name is Michel, come from Haiti. I live in Dominican Republic. I am a student. I would like to live in Ecuador for a while so I am looking for informations about how is life there for a stranger.

Naturally experiences will vary for foreigners, but from personal experience it's been positive so far. Just like anywhere elsewhere if one is respectful then they will be respected.

As a student, and with you knowing Spanish, I really don't see any issues.

Ohhh ok I understand and thank you for your response. Yeah of course I know spanish.

It's like the quote on the wall at Johnathan Swift bar in Cambridge, Mass "There are no strangers here, only friends who have not yet met".

That is a nice quote, and it definitely applies here, especially in Quito. There are people from all walks of life and people from all over South America. Immersion can be limitless. It's humbling to learn so much about people and what's most important to them. In my personal experience they are welcoming but one will never see the real person unless the conversation is sustainable in Spanish.