
Need recomendations for a good Immigration Lawyer

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I need some help PLEASE.

I need recommendations for a good Immigration Lawyer in Ecuador. I had planned on applying for my residency on my own, but after dealing with the Consulate office in Houston today I think I would like someone else to deal with it all for me. I will be arriving in Quito the evening of Tuesday March 27th. I have secured Lodging through Thursday the 29th. Then I will be headed to Canoa for some time there. I know this is a short notice request. Sure hope some of you can make a firsthand recommendation. The only lead I have is the name “Gabriela Espinosa” mentioned on this forum by “Nedahalls”, but I have no contact information for her.

Any help you all can provide would be greatly appreciated.

See also

Job offers in EcuadorWork in EcuadorSetting up a business in EcuadorWork in QuitoWork in Cuenca


I don't have info about attorneys in Quito but this is Gabriela Espinosa's web

I don't know if she's good or not I just give you the info.



Thank You for the contact info.


Hi leonard,
I was recommended that lawyer also. I hope you are a patient man. I sent her an email February 17....I am still waiting...well...sort of :) . Good luck. Mitri


Sorry to hear that, But usually they're really busy I can recommend you one in Cuenca that I know but I don't know any other one in Quito.


Thank you Vinny,
I might take you up on your offer. I haven't had promising results from my lawyer contact in Cuenca. I will contact you just before we arrive in Cuenca (sometime in the second half of  April).


Hi Mitri:

Vinni’s contact info for Gabriele was spot on. Thanks Vinny.

I arrived in Quito late Tuesday 03/27/12, had sent an email to her from Houston. When I got to my room in Quito and checked my mail, she had responded with an 11 o’clock appointment on Thursday 03/28/12. When I met with her, yes she and her staff were very busy, but she looked over what I had from the Consulate office in Houston, noticed one minor error with the entry stamp and sprung in to action. Her assistant spent the next 4 hours escorting me to the various Government offices correcting the error and processing various documents. I am this evening back in my room a very happy and relieved soon to be resident of Ecuador. She said I will have my final residency card in 90 days or less.

My personal experience with Gabriele and her staff is at this time very favorable. My recommendation to you is keep trying to contact her, she is worth the effort. Her US number rings right in to her Quito office. Try it and keep up with the emails. The minute I said she was hired, she started making things happen.

Best of luck to you.  Love to share a beer and trade immigration war stories.



Hello Leonard,

Really glad to know you visa process is already on the right track and so quick.

good luck and enjoy Ecuador !!



Thank you Leonard for your comments. I'll give you a shout when we're in Quito and we'll get together. Mitri




Just came across your post RE:need a "good" immigration lawyer.
Possibly you have a recommendation?? Would appreciate any information you might have ~ Jerry


another great law firm in Quito is Paz Horowitz (I used them for my residency visa). Here is their website:


Thanks Amy


While I'm here, might as well carry on.

Last yr we spent 3 wks in EU and loved it ... to the point of considering relocation. However, we do have a few probs. Namely my wife has RA and requires I give her an injection each 2 wks of Enbrel. The appox mo.retail cost without US insurance is 1K. With insurance $0. She's 65 and I'm 70+. Any ideas as to health insurance including meds??? Many thanks ~ Jerry



Hubby and I are planning to move to Ecuador beginning of next year. Would you be so kind tell us how much was the attorney's fee? Thank you in advance for a kind reply.


While I have nothing against using immigration attorneys, it seems like now, once you are actually in Ecuador, you could probably avoid the fees and do it yourself as long as your Spanish is decent.  From my experience, the issues I have run into with obtaining visas have been stateside, at the embassy and consulates.  The service I have received outside of Ecuador has been at least ten-times worse than the service inside of the country. 

My suggestion would be to just find out what original documents you need, bypass doing the 'tramites' in the consulates, and just do them yourself once you arrive to Ecuador.  Immigration issues are now managed by both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Interior, so the coordination seems to be much better inside than outside the country.  And I have found that the service and attitude in general of those working in the country instead of the diplomats outside of the country, are much better.


oceanescapes wrote:

Hubby and I are planning to move to Ecuador beginning of next year. Would you be so kind tell us how much was the attorney's fee?

Welcome to the Ecuador forum, Ocean Escapes.

8 percent of arriving Expats have the skills and disposition to obtain a residency visa without professional help while maintaining a degree of sanity.  The rest of us need an attorney or a visa facilitator.

The exception is Cuenca where the EC government has made a point to accommodate the zillions of new Expats by providing dual-language agents .. so ability to speak Spanish there may be unnecessary for most.

Attorney fees vary from $500 to $1,000 based on my experience last year and anecdotal reports.

Nion-attorney visa facilitators charge less.

The $400 or so in government fees are additional, as are translations and other incidental charges.

cccmedia in Quito


Thanks cccmedia and Ryancito for your kind and prompt reply, it's been a great help to navigate us towards the  right direction.

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