English jobs in Hamburg? Advice?

I've just moved to Hamburg from the states.  I have a lot of experience working in film and television in Los Angeles and New York City.  I am hoping to find work in the entertainment industry, but it doesn't need to be so.  I am hoping to find ANY job that is mainly in English.  I am learning German now, but I am not proficient...yet. 

Any advice on international companies that hire for English speakers? 


Hi and welcome on Expat.com Tiffany :)

Have you tried to browse the jobs section of Hamburg classifieds? You can eventually post an advert there with your profile and professional experiences ;) You can also tried the articles in the Work in Germany guide, it contains many useful resources that could eventually help you in your career search!

I wish you good luck

Thanks Armand!!

Hi I'm currently in the Philippines and a Filipino are there jobs for Filipinos there in Germany?