Seeking info

Hi all,
after a long over thinking, i made my mind and moved to Hamburg..
An amazing city with amazing surroundings and parks.. but now the bitter truth... its so hard to find a job and accommodation if you dont speak german..
so my request if anyone kind enough to advice where i can look for jobs for non german speakers, anything for the moment!!
I do speak english, italian and arabic!

thx for ur help!!

Hello ezzix.

This article on how to Find a job in Germany may help. :)

Thank you,

Do you have a 4 year degree?

JWaldhoer, in Italy its a 3 years degree with the new system and yes, mine is in Economy and Commerce, Marketing

I would be interested in seeing your CV.  If you send me your CV, I will send you the job description for the position we have open. My email address is  I look forward to speaking with you further.


You could post your advert in the jobs in Hamburg section.

Thank you.

I would be interested in seeing your CV.  If you send me your CV,

Hello there, did you receive my email?


Yes I did. I am in the process of arranging interviews. Thank you.