English Speaking Job in Hamburg


I am moving to Hamburg in January and know little German. So I will be looking for English Speaking JOb.. just wondering if you can give me any tips?



Did you get any responses to this? I am possibly having to move there in a few months and was wondering what the outlook was like for working there.

Hello Joanne1, Welcome to Expat.com :)

I will suggest you to give some more details about what kind of job you are searching specifically, then other members will be able to help you.

You mentioned only about English speaking job, may be you can add as well in which field you are searching for eventual opportunities for example: Banking, Tourism or Accounting and so on.


Hello there! I would like to work in Germany too. Im looking for an English-speaking job particularly in the lines of Customer Service or any position liked to a Business Process Outsourcing Company. Im presently working as a Bid desk specialist here in the Philippines for PCMall.com.

Please let me know if you have some info. Thank you!

Welcome to Expat-blog, Krushers :)

For more information about job prospects in Germany, i would suggest you to view the "Life in Germany guide" and read the article "Find a job in Germany".


Hi Dont have any information yet. Alot of jobs you really need to know basic German Language, for English Speaking Jobs.    I have been told he Customer Services or Export/Import is a good field to go into when starting off in Germany.  I am personally going to do a intergration course first to learn basic german.  But if anyone hears of any work if they could let me know.... Thanks..... Joanne

I'll be moving to Germany soon to become an English teacher.  The course I will be taking does cost a little bit but it's a great way to get a good, interesting career when you don't speak much or any German.  The more you know the better you'll be at it but you're not actually expected to be able to speak the language.

Hi, Joanne

It's great to see your making the move to Germany, It's a great place to live. It can also be a bit tricky finding work as an expat.

Have you thought about getting TEFL certified, so you can teach English to the locals. It's an ideal way to earn a living in Germany as well as giving your skills a boost. There is also no needs to speak German.

Have a look at the TEFL online community where you can meet people like your self living in Germany and teaching English!


Good luck!

hello all you lovely people .

i am also looking for employment in hamburg in retail services, administration or anything to get me started.
i want to secure employment first so that i can plan my move.

HELP ! , i have read some of these previous post and will definitely be inquiring more into the links .

but really any sort of job will be a massive step to living and working in hamburg .



Hi Adam,

I advise you to create a profile on xing.de
ItŽs a really good way to make networking on business level.

Good luck!

Hi there,

I have been living here for a while but German language is still tough for me. Lucky me I found a good job and use English daily. Don't know if this is good, but shipping company is also a good choice. well just the idea.:D

hi i am looking for a job in hamburg
so who can help with me this ??

i want to have a job so i speak english and russian little bit german .. if you can help me

littysl@gmail.com   write me here .. thank you ..

Hi Shamith Amaraweera,

Welcome to Expat-Blog :)

Please note that this thread is a bit old :/

Can you please introduce yourself and tell us a little bit more about your career path or experiences ?

Thank you

Expat-blog Team

Hello, I face this problem too, i think google is the your best friend, for example vacancies for english speaking in Germany. Trust me it worked i have found tons of positions