
Do and don't in Colombia

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Are you living in Colombia? We need you to share your experience of the local customs :)

Is it difficult to adjust to the local customs in Colombia?

Could you please share with us a list of the do's and don't's in Colombia?


See also

Living in Colombia: the expat guideCost of living in Colombia in 2025How to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in ColombiaFinding a divorce lawyer in Colombia?Visa types

Don't walk alone late at night in Bogotá.  I got mugged my first week, read all about it here: My First Mugging in Colombia.


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and don t talk about politic in colombia it s dangerous uribe and paramilitars ll kill you lol



Make friends and get to know them well. They can be a great resource while making a cultural transition.

If you are lucky enough to have family here take advantage of their knowledge of local customs and conditions. My family has gone out of their way to help me get adjusted.

Take advantage of public transportation. It is inexpensive, generally safe and helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. If in Medellin by all means use the Metro.

Learn Spanish and use it.  Being able to communicate makes life anywhere better and fuller.  People here are friendly, warm and communicative.

Apply Covey’s principal of understanding first, then being understood. Different cultures have different approaches to life’s issues. It is easy to interpret something in your own cultural context and completely misunderstand the others intent.

Recognize that Colombia is making rapid, if sometimes uneven advances as a society. They are applying new technologies, improved social programs and new ideas. You may be surprised at just how modern life is here, especially in the cities. Some of the professionals I work with here are absolutely world class and have excellent educations.

Try to carry small change. Many small stores can’t make change for larger bills or it causes them problems. This also applies to cabs at times.

Visit Medellin. It is a great city full of life and interesting things to do.

Visit the botanical gardens in Medellin.

Visit the Piedras Blancas ecological park near Medellin.

If you are going into the countryside in an area you don’t know check with people who have current knowledge before going. Many areas are very safe but there are some such as the Bajo Cauca at this point that are not.

Learn what counterfeit bill looks like and check all bills you are offered. Twenty and fifty thousand peso notes are the most common targets but I have seen a phony 10,000 peso bill.  It can be very embarrassing to have a bill you tender rejected as a counterfeit.

Check out A Medellin Chronicle. This is my blog and I am working on populating it with things of day-today usefulness. Also make suggestions for things you would like to know about.

Phil Bunch

Articles to help you in your expat project in Colombia

All of Colombia's guide articles