How to make friends in Andalusia

We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals or expatriates) when you're living in Andalusia :top:

Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Andalusia??

Thanks in advance for your participation

It was easy to make friends in Andalusia - among other expats, as the expat social/club life there is intense. There are also outdoor clubs where you can join people on daylong excursions.
It was convenient for me, as I was there for only part of the year (fall through spring) and did not have a car, which I left in the USA.
What I enjoyed most in Andalusia was the variety of people I met daily, variety of languages I could speak: every day at least three, more often four: English, Swedish, Spanish and German - in that order. Good exercise for a retired  person and very enjoyable. I missed that in Belize, Puerto Rico, Mexico and Costa Rica - where I also lived, as there expats are predominantly Americans.


Me and my boyfriend are living in Andalucia (Manilva).

We have not found it easy to make friends yet, so if anyone can give us and advice, please get in touch.

We speak basic Spanish, but would love to be more fluent.

Interested in making friends with any nationalities.

I have just arrived in Nerja and plan to spend the next three months here getting away from the UK winter.  If anyone nearby want to go for a beer, a meal or just generally explore, then I'm interested. email alex.angstom at

hey!i'm from london and at this moment i'm living in granada

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