
Terrorist attack in London

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It is my sad duty to report yet another terrorist attack in London, this time on London bridge.

My thoughts are with the victims and their families, along with my hopes the police are efficient and get these fools as quickly as possible.

Stay safe.

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Just heard the news after a 12 hours flight and a few hours sleeping. All my thoughts are with the victims - my words are missing for now

Stay safe,



Julien wrote:

my words are missing for now

I think we all have words for this one, good ones used towards the innocent victims of this evil crime, the rest being totally unacceptable on this forum but used to describe the silly sods that committed this mindless stupidity.

Other then the other

Fred wrote:
Julien wrote:

my words are missing for now

I think we all have words for this one, good ones used towards the innocent victims of this evil crime, the rest being totally unacceptable on this forum but used to describe the silly sods that committed this mindless stupidity.



And yet once again, the attackers were known to police or intelligence services.  They should be utterly embarrassed to admit this.  It shows how inept they are to protect the public.


There are another 20,000 known to the UK Security Services; the frustrating thing is that it is impossible to adequately police their activities without turning the UK into a police state.

The UK has been extremely lucky since the 2007 attacks, able to rely on the technical strength of the intelligence services and the ineptitude of the potential attackers; now though, those that would cause us harm have learnt not to use mobile phones, but to use the darker side of the internet and secure communications.

I have no idea where this is going to end .................. :(


romaniac wrote:

And yet once again, the attackers were known to police or intelligence services.  They should be utterly embarrassed to admit this.  It shows how inept they are to protect the public.

One of these nasty little pigs was filmed by the BBC about a year ago holding an ISIS flag whilst trying to radicalise kids using sweets as a lure.
Sort of like the stereotypical kiddie fiddler of old but wearing a dress rather than a dirty mac; I can picture him now asking kids if they want to see some puppies.

The police have a lot of questions to answer on this one as do many other groups, mainly regarding why a man with known wild extremist views and an ISIS flag wasn't immediately removed from society.

If an answer about restrictions and human rights/free speech comes back, time to change the law to cover obvious extremists of this type.
This is one point that is unarguable as far as Brexit goes, the EU rules on human rights that kept Abu Hamza on the dole in Britain for so long will disappear - a very good thing.
I'm so glad the Americans wanted him - they're welcome to that evil piece of work.

One other point of special note is the two nasty little dogs claimed to be foreigners (expats?) so should have been dumped once they were known about, regardless as to there being intel about a terrorist attack or not.
One has to ask why they were allowed on the streets - a big one for the police and politicians to answer.


Fred wrote:
romaniac wrote:

And yet once again, the attackers were known to police or intelligence services.  They should be utterly embarrassed to admit this.  It shows how inept they are to protect the public.

One of these nasty little pigs was filmed by the BBC about a year ago holding an ISIS flag whilst trying to radicalise kids using sweets as a lure.
Sort of like the stereotypical kiddie fiddler of old but wearing a dress rather than a dirty mac; I can picture him now asking kids if they want to see some puppies.

It goes worse than that, Channel 4 made a documentary about him!


SimCityAT wrote:

It goes worse than that, Channel 4 made a documentary about him!

That's the one - sorry, I mentioned the wrong channel as the BBC covered it later.

However, an evil little pig with radical views and an ISIS flag trying to radicalise kids really needs a serious slapping and, given he wasn't British, kicking out to his home country regardless of what he might face there.


I would just like to make this clear, my disgust with the latest attacks is not aimed at the Muslim faith. It is against the extremists that do NOT represent the faith. I have many Muslim friends and they are all equally sickened with the past events.


The local mosques and imams have all got together and refused to conduct the funerals as part of their condemnation of the terrorists.

This is a very welcome public move showing the local Muslim leaders are very much against these terrorists.
They also added a bunch of messages aimed at potential new terrorists, telling them such rubbish is nothing to do with Islam.

I applaud their move and their bravery as their words could well make them targets for the extremists as is happening in other countries. … 74291.html

A group of 130 imams and religious leaders have refused to perform the traditional Islamic funeral prayer for the London Bridge attackers.

The leaders said they would not carry out the ritual that is normally performed for every Muslim, regardless of their actions.

In a statement on social media, the group said: “Consequently, and in light of other such ethical principles which are quintessential to Islam, we will not perform the traditional Islamic funeral prayer over the perpetrators and we also urge fellow imams and religious authorities to withdraw such a privilege.

That pleased me, but this even more so.

”I have a clear message to those who perpetrate terrorism: you are against the very core teaching of Islam and of our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

“Your misguidance will lead you to destruction, and God willing you will utterly fail in your evil aims.

”We stand apart from you and your corruption of the religion of Islam. Terrorism has no faith.“

Basically, he's telling them they'll go to hell if they commit these nasty crimes.
Nice one!


SimCityAT wrote:

I would just like to make this clear, my disgust with the latest attacks is not aimed at the Muslim faith.

Neither is mine, dude, but that's probably something to do with me being a Muslim.
A person's religion or lack of it just isn't an issue here, it's if you're reasonable or not and reasonable people are all shocked, disgusted and more than a little angry at these nasty crimes committed by bloody idiots.

Stuff them to hell, and the same goes for all their daft pals and anyone who supports or celebrates their stupidity.


@Fred, I just wanted to clarify my stand on the matter and that any Muslims viewing this topic should not be offended and was not a dig at their faith.

Other then the other

Fred wrote:

The local mosques and imams have all got together and refused to conduct the funerals as part of their condemnation of the terrorists.

This is a very welcome public move showing the local Muslim leaders are very much against these terrorists.
They also added a bunch of messages aimed at potential new terrorists, telling them such rubbish is nothing to do with Islam.

I applaud their move and their bravery as their words could well make them targets for the extremists as is happening in other countries. … 74291.html

A group of 130 imams and religious leaders have refused to perform the traditional Islamic funeral prayer for the London Bridge attackers.

The leaders said they would not carry out the ritual that is normally performed for every Muslim, regardless of their actions.

In a statement on social media, the group said: “Consequently, and in light of other such ethical principles which are quintessential to Islam, we will not perform the traditional Islamic funeral prayer over the perpetrators and we also urge fellow imams and religious authorities to withdraw such a privilege.

That pleased me, but this even more so.

”I have a clear message to those who perpetrate terrorism: you are against the very core teaching of Islam and of our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

“Your misguidance will lead you to destruction, and God willing you will utterly fail in your evil aims.

”We stand apart from you and your corruption of the religion of Islam. Terrorism has no faith.“

Basically, he's telling them they'll go to hell if they commit these nasty crimes.
Nice one!

True , Muslim being target by extremist and by some people who blame everything happened to Muslim.

For example: Poor soul Ricky John Best, Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche, and Micah David-Cole Fletcher. They stood up against the rising tide of hate and intolerance. they intervened to prevent Jeremy Joseph Christian from assaulting two young Muslim women on a light-rail train in Portland, Oregon.


We all have to be aware of propaganda and train ourselves to ignore it.
The target at the moment is mainly Muslims but the Chinese, Russians and N Koreans have taken quite a lot of flak of late as well.

I have every confidence some people in all these groups are pretty bad but there is no way I'll ever believe the whole lot are bad.
The same goes on the other side of the coin where the North Koreans, many Muslims and so on are told the west is nasty and bad.
It's always total rubbish regardless of who tries to tell you a whole population or any given group of people are bad.

Other then the other

Fred wrote:

We all have to be aware of propaganda and train ourselves to ignore it.
The target at the moment is mainly Muslims but the Chinese, Russians and N Koreans have taken quite a lot of flak of late as well.

I have every confidence some people in all these groups are pretty bad but there is no way I'll ever believe the whole lot are bad.
The same goes on the other side of the coin where the North Koreans, many Muslims and so on are told the west is nasty and bad.
It's always total rubbish regardless of who tries to tell you a whole population or any given group of people are bad.

I didn't mention specific group. I mention the name . I believe his action is on himself.

My intention was to say being a Muslim now a days are scary.

Of course, I highlight Muslim because we were talking about London attact . I understand the same scares felt by many group.


Other then the other wrote:

I believe his action is on himself

It would be nice if these three were just mates who got together without outside help but it looks like a lot more than that.
A real pity but it looks a lot like they had a controller and help.

We now have all three names, one appearing on UK TV with an ISIS flag, another who told Italian police he wanted to kill people and the third a rejected asylum seeking wife beater.
At least two should have been removed from the UK without a second thought and the last one managed to sneak back in or his passport just wasn't flagged with immigration.

The services have some very serious questions to answer and it's hardly a shock they tried to keep the names quiet as long as possible when you consider they were clearly stupid people.

Other then the other

A very fun and easy way to be critical thinker as Fred says: "We all have to be aware of propaganda and train ourselves to ignore it."


Other then the other wrote:

A very fun and easy way to be critical thinker as Fred says: "We all have to be aware of propaganda and train ourselves to ignore it."

Propaganda is everywhere, old favourites popping up when you most expect it .. if you read the background.
Russian hackers are really active at the moment, causing elections to be won and lost and several countries to fall out with each other, even though the conditions up to the events of the last few months have been known about for years.
I see a lot of official lies around, and that means we have to be careful what we believe.

The big trick is the old one, see who's making how much cash from what. Once you know that you can look at things in a whole new light.

A nice example of a rather well known firebrand Muslim cleric here. Much of his support base is in small poor villages, but a new quote from his lawyer tells us he's in Saudi, not avoiding the pornography charges he faces here, just doing religious stuff.
The lawyer mentioned the hotel but forget to say it comes in at a minimum of US$500/night.
The question isn't why he's avoiding returning to Indonesia, it's where the cash is coming from to keep him in a hotel like that.

Once you answer that little gem, you'll know a lot more about the real story.

Critical thinking is wonderful.

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