Hi All,
My husband will be taking up a new job in POM for 4-5yrs. We were born, raised and only ever lived in NZ. We have 2 children, one who has just turned 3 and a 7month old baby.
Even thou I have traveled to the middle east and Africa I have never lived overseas especially in a 3rd world destination with children. To be totally honest I'm terrified and wish we were not going!
There is so much negative information online about crime and extreme poverty its hard to look past that and feel that my children can have a happy healthy upbringing in POM.
Id very much love to here from other mums who may have felt similar as I do now but have settled, who have positive experiences with living in POM and most importantly have happy children.
I have noticed in pretty much every youtube video related to POM that you only see the local people, never any expats. Where do expats go during the day - apart from work. Is it safe to go to cafes, where can one go with young children etc. I understand it is a very dangerous place to live so does that mean you can not go out very much and are cooped up in a compound?
Sorry for all the questions, its been a challenge for me to see this move as a positive one. HELP!