How to Open a recovery house in Santo Domingo,DR

I will message you privately.

I'm not interested in opening a recovery house. I'm just curious and surprised at how big of a demand plastic surgery is in the Dominican Republic

Unless disfigured, I could never understand the mind set required to have plastic boobs or butts. Easier to see the desire for a nose job or a breast reduction. The idea of radically changing one's appearance for non medical reasons is far beyond my ken.  However, as Planner often says, "To each their own".  I don't recall ever seeing a truly ugly person, but many ugly folks on the inside.  I'm not talking about birth defects or scaring from accidents, I'm talking about normal pleasant appearing people, men & women alike.  I'm not putting them down, I just don't understand the desire. Good luck & hope the results are what you want.     As most of you might know, I wouldn't be able to see any difference in the before and after anyway.

Julian medical tourism is a fast growing industry here. Statistics vary but around 20,000 procedures a year here in DR with 80% being Americans.

Finally after years of this being the wild wild west Salud Publico in cracking down on surgeons, clinics and recovery homes. New requirements are being applied.

Now, to open a profitable recovery home, that fulfills the requirements, will take over US $50,000 to open. It's a serious investment.

After surgery people must stay 10 to 21 days and they need professional care. 

The industry is growing at over 6% annually!  After surgery many of these mostly women, get dental work, botox, dermablading and other things done!

Hi, can you please send me the info on how to start a recovery House in the DR?

Hi! I've been interested in starting a recovery home in Santo Domingo. I'd like some information on how to begin the process please 🙂

Good morning, I have messaged you both!

Hi i am interested in opening a recovery house in dominican republic and would like to get to understand the processes

I sent you a private message.

Can you send me the information as well? Thank you!

Will message you.

Hello, I wanted to know if you could send me info on how to open up a recovery home in the DR

Happy to

Good morning, have any of you opened a RH in DR? What's the criteria, cost, & turn around time?

There is a list of some of the criteria based on the certification process now in place.  For example no apartments are allowed, must have hospital beds in all rooms etc. 

Cost depends on a multitude of factors.  Turn around time can be 90 to 180 days again depending on so many factors.

I messaged your privately.

Is it better to purchase land and then the property then to rent the property  before opening a recovery house?

It's almost always better to rent first.  Build your business first before committing that amount of money.

Same applies to moving here, rent first!

Hi planner,

Can you please send me a private message?

Thanks in advance

Good morning may I please have the info as well to start a RH in the DR

I will message you both!

Can u send me details please

Hello - I know this thread is kind of dated information but has anyone in this thread since started a recovery home or still in the process of starting a recovery house? If so, I would love to connect! Please let me know. Thank you!

I can help you.

Hey I would like to start a recovery home can you help me message me ***

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I will message you privately. Your number was removed. We don't allow contact info on public forums

There are several  in process

Good evening,  i've send you a message also.

I responded to you.

Hi I was thinking about opening a recovery house in DR if anyone can give me information or the process and how to start etc

I will message your privately

@planner can i asks you some questions about starting a recovery house in DR

You sure can, I will message you privately

@planner we're in the process already, but some of the requirements seem a bit far fetched. Not sure if they are giving us the correct information or trying to take advantage. Cana you let us know what the requirements are for the medical certification with the Ministry of Health. Appreciate your guidance.

Happy to help you.  The requirements, many, are far fetched but you wont get certified without doing them ALL.  The requirements are not all in one document,  many are covered in other documents.  and some I just know about!  

Many recovery houses are not legal  and will never be certified. For example -  you cannot qualify if each bedroom does not have its own bathroom. Shared bathrooms between 2 or 3 rooms wont get you certified. You need to know that BEFORE you rent or purchase a place.  

Any other specific questions you can message me directly!

@planner I am interested in opening a recovery house as well. Could you send me the information as well please

@planner hello could you send me information on opening a recovery home as well please?

Hi yes I can send you information!  Check for a private

@planner hello, I'm interested in information on starting a recovery house in Santo Domingo. Can you send me information, please?

Happy to do so. I will message you privately!