
Part time and full time job

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I am a Business Systems student who comes from Massachusetts, USA and reside in Ecuador. I would like to network or  work part time, full time at any position that requires both ENG and SPA lanuage speaking in Cuenca and surrounding areas.

Any info please contact me.

Thank you.

See also

Work in CuencaWork in EcuadorSetting up a business in EcuadorWant to relocate to CuentaMedical Practice in Ecuador - HIV Specialist

Hi maury23. Hope you find that job already but if not there are some web pages that can help you find a job.

Good luck

Articles to help you in your expat project in Cuenca

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    The Cajas National Park

    Las Cajas parque nacional is located about a half hours drive (or hour bus ride) to the west of Cuenca, along the ...

  • Accommodation in Cuenca
    Accommodation in Cuenca

    The rose-colored lenses through which potential expats have been made to view Cuenca often blur how the real ...

  • Healthcare in Ecuador
    Healthcare in Ecuador

    Ecuador, as a fast-developing nation, has laws that are constantly evolving, but one thing is certain: the ongoing ...

  • The Working Holiday Visa for Ecuador
    The Working Holiday Visa for Ecuador

    Ecuador is truly a paradise for adventure and nature lovers, and thanks to the Working Holiday Visa program, they ...

  • Opening a bank account in Ecuador
    Opening a bank account in Ecuador

    A few years back, an expat would just breeze into an Ecuadorian bank, flash their passport and a bank account ...

  • Food in Ecuador
    Food in Ecuador

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  • Leisure activities in Ecuador
    Leisure activities in Ecuador

    You have made it to Ecuador, now what is there to do in your free time? A lifetime in Ecuador isn't enough time to ...

  • Taxes in Ecuador
    Taxes in Ecuador

    The Servicio de Rentas Internas or Internal Revenue Service is the authority in charge of taxes in Ecuador. If you ...

All of Cuenca's guide articles