
Dental education system in denmark

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Hello Folks

This is Saad and my wife is dentist by profession.

She is currently studying danish language PD3 and after that she has to give a licensing exam in odontology to be able to practice as a dentist in Denmark.

My question is what are the further education opportunities for a dentist in Denmark in order to become a specialist.

i have tried to look on the Aarhus dental school but not able to find the information.

can some one guide me.

your help would be really appreciated.

Best regards

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Nellie Berg

Hi Saad … tandlaeger
Unfortunately, this page is not availale in Danish.

Videreuddannelse i ortodonti er 3-årig og foregår på tandlægeskolerne i København og Århus.

Videreuddannelsen i tand-, mund- og kæbekirurgi er 5-årig og foregår på en godkendt sygehusafdeling.

The Interior Ministry has published this consolidating act:

There are obviously two directions your wife can choose, and the education will take place two different places depending on her choice. As you haven't found the information at Aarhus Dental School, I take that your wife is interested in the surgery education which takes place at a hospital.



Thanks a lot Nellie

Your input has been very beneficial.

But apart from these options as a specialist can a dentist do masters also such as Masters in Oral pathology or Maters in implantology  etc. ?

I know in England and Germany one can do it for 2 years and these do not make one specialist, so my question is are there educational programes in masters for dentist in denmark.

Thanks in Advance

Best regards

Nellie Berg

Hi Saad

I suggest that you contact a study councellor and put the question to him/her as this is far beyond my skills. … dningsund/

Another possibility is to try

Good luck,


Thanks Nellie.
Have a good day
Best Regards

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