
get health care in Brazil

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I have a heart condition I need to get health care in Brazil help please

See also

The healthcare system in BrazilAccidents and emergencies in BrazilPregnancy in BrazilAre There Any Doorbell Monitors Available In Brazil?Medicare Part B - Should I stay or should I go?

If you are already in Brazil you should apply for a SUS (Sistema Única de Saúde) card which will entitle you to free emergency care at Emergency Hospitals and UPAs and consultations in the neighborhood health clinics (Posto de Saúde / UBS - Unidade Básica de Saúde). Other than that the system really is inadequate for cases where you are referred to a specialist.

I would recommend very strongly if you are already here or if you're not here yet you should really consider arranging for private healthcare insurance. That will give you access to better hospitals and private physicians.

James Experts Team


I'm worried about health care I tried to get but I have a pacemaker and they won't cover me help


If you can't get private healthcare coverage here then you're stuck with SUS and you'll take months from the time you get a referral from a doctor to see a cardiologist. Surgery waiting lists can be 6 months to a year, sometimes longer. If you're not in Brazil then my advice to you would be stay where you are.

Coming to Brazil with a serious heart problem and having to depend solely on SUS would be like signing your own Death Warrant. Even in an Emergency Ward if a doctor here spends 5 minutes looking at you you're lucky. If you can't afford to pay for a private physician in cash you should really forget Brazil. I've been here for over 14 years now and you can take my word for it.

James Experts Team


Hi Naples,

Please note that a new topic has been created as from your post on the Brazil forum.


James is that for everyone without insurance?


SUS is a government health care system for everyone.


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