
Essentials to live in Spain

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As an expat living in Spain, what would you advise the ones about to pack to bring along?

What are the items you can easily find in Spain? On the other hand, what is less common or quite expensive?

Share with us what you would recommend to bring in one’s suitcase or container when moving to Spain.

Thank you in advance,


See also

Living in Spain: the expat guideType 1 Diabetic Moving to SpainGetting my NIE or TIEBuying or selling propertyNew members of the Spain forum, introduce yourselves here - 2025


nice post and interesting question.
What to bring to Spain?

We have a relocation company and we have opened a webshop for expats last year.
"everything you forgot or was too heavy to bring".

So my answer to your question would be: Check out the webshopfirst, and bring everything else...

Best regards from Valencia,




I think the most useful things to pack are a sense of humour, an open mind and patience. If you remember these then the rest should be plain sailing :)

On a more serious note, these are the things that I beg my friends to bring over for me when they visit.

Nicorette gum. You can get nicotine gum here but it is VERY expensive so either stock up before you leave or get friends to send you a regular supply.

Herbs and spices. You can get lots of wonderful herbs and spices here but I'm passionate about cooking and find it frustrating not being able to get hold of some of my favourites like sage for example. I've searched high and low and can't find it anywhere. Spain does not share the same love of curries that we do so make sure you are stocked up with Garam Masala, ground coriander etc. For bakers, you'll miss things like ground mixed spice, allspice berries, treacle, golden syrup. Stock up on those! When I first moved here, self-raising flour wasn't available and I had to add baking powder. The good news is that now it is available everywhere.

Marmite. Well, you either love it or loathe it. For those that love it, bring a big jar.

Alcohol. There is no shortage of alcohol in Spain! but, if you wanted to make a Kir Royale for example, you'd be hard pressed to find Creme de Cassis (blackcurrant sirop/liquer) which seems a shame as cava reaches a whole new level of wonderfulness with the addition of this sweet add on. Angotura Bitters are another must have for serious cocktail makers. I stock up when I'm back in the UK or get friends to bring it over. Most other mixers can be found here and prices are ridiculously low compared to the UK.

I hope this is of some help! I'm sure I'll think of something else the minute that I hit the send button but for now, these are the things that I have to remember to stock up on when I get the chance.


Bring only what you really need and what is worth actually paying to have it shipped.  Do not bother bringing some electronics (blow dryer, curling iron, kitchen counter top appliances).  Depending on your size body and shoe certain clothing may be good.  If you have favorite food or spices, make sure you can find them in Spain. Most things can be found or you just adjust to the new things. :-)    Here are some of our moving to Spain tips. … isa-spain/


Agreed about the spices such as sage, celery seed, etc. But there are excellent Indian groceries with ingredients for that type of cooking and the best cardamom chai tea.
I ask friends to bring back stick deodorants, as they're very hard to find here.
Also, sugar free jello. Only found here with sugar, and last I looked it was about $5. per package to order sugar free.
Now that there's clumping cat litter here our demonios and we are happy.


I'd love to know where your Indian grocery store is! This could be a life changer for me!


You should have a job first and also things you miss from home to eat.Spanish dictionary and contacts


My advise bring the things I need and if u love something bring it too. I came with a bag that it and we'll the rest I found here. Also you can get almost anythig in El corte English.  This is a huge shop in Spain for everything  I had been looking for thaini for almost 4 years and the other day I did a search and they had it so no more expensive buying as it's pretty priced well her to make hummas.

The only thing I have not seen I'd beef gerky but I prefer biltong. This is impossible to find her u can order it online but it'd expensive.  Also you can order almost anything from amazon so if u miss those favourite spices or chocolates whatever amazon has it even eBay and I find that UK amazon is better to buy from ad the prices are very good most of the time.  So what should u bring. Let's see.

When I arrived I dunt knuw any Spanish not a word so if u can first things first Try learn a bit of Spanish makes it easier to get around and about. Other than this this is a huge county and really they have almost anything even in the Chinese little markets u can find all sorts of stuff and Chinese shops if u looking for a percific thing and the prices are really competitive.  So u can really find all good thing here .

Also bovrol instead of marmite u can get a t the spdnish grosero mercadona. The caro flour algo had many things so, honestly pack what u think I's best to to live by and what u will miss and when u here be sure to explore around in your Spanish shops there so many and the prices are pretty good. It helps to shop around.

So to be honest come with a big open heart, the people are lovely dnd if u love food u coming to the right place. Remember these days u can almost get anything online and if u search u will find it.

So  bring those things u need love and enjoy.

I wish u lots of blessing and happiness.  This really is a lovely place to live.

Benvenide welcome to Spain.


Hi lottienevin - I guess you are not near an Iceland.  Sorry to make you jelous but we have everything we ever need and there are lots of curry houses on the coast near Denia, even saw one in Valencia the other day.  I grow a few herbs in pots in the back garden and have just yesterday planted 10 rhubarb plants.  I have a neighbour (spanish) who swaps plants and seeds with me, but he got rid of his chickens - he was too upset to wring their necks.   

What did we leave behind is more like it.  My lovely new washing machine, dishwasher and fridge freezer but i am sure our tenants will be looking after them.   What we brought with us, EVERYTHING, all in banana boxes in wardrobes, outside room, under beds.....


A good sense of humour!  :cheers:


Hi Barnie

No, we are not near the coast but it is very good to hear that I can find these things at Iceland. Thanks for the tip off! :) Lottie


I have to agree with the cooking ingredients issue - it's a big problem if you like to cook. I can't make more than half of my recipes due to lack of compatible ingredients.

Any Mexican ingredients are tough or impossible to come by. If you are moving to Malaga please bring me a pound of chili powder and some corn tortillas!

Spices in general are very limited - I would have brought all of mine had I known. Can't even find simple things like Italian Seasoning.

Maple Syrup is very difficult to find (SuperSol has it, at 6 Euro/bottle).

Bring Levi's - a pair of 501's will cost you twice as much here. But other generic (non-brand name) clothes are very cheap.

Don't bank here unless you have to. The fees are outrageous on wiring large sums in and out.


Our Iceland is 30 KLM from gandia where we live. Valencia- I haven't found any English food but lots of herbs and spices can be found lots of interesting veg in the market  we are trying and rhubarb and Jerusalem artichokes  - my partner does all the cooking - stocks up on lots of food
Never really lacked for anything ( thinking about it I would bring stuff for colds etc and decent elastoplast that actually sticks.  Oh and underwear from marks I spent a fortune at Xmas but even that can be got through the post!!! Argos by the way has stopped delivery to Spain. 

Does anyone know who else delivers to Spain!!!


I saw loads of maple syrup in el cortes yesterday in Valencia so suspects its in most of those stores


on line for Indian spices or el corte ingles


Thanks very much for the information on the ex-pat website shop.  What a brilliant idea.  Some of the items I see listed after a quick read are just what I had questions about bringing to Spain.  This is a good answer for where to find these items......Thanks!!



Never seen that will look now.... Might be something for me !!!


taj mahal.  c/ Manuel Candela near avda Puerto, Valencia
Recommended by someone whose mom is a great Indian cook.


I guess it depends where you're moving from, and how remote your destination is. If you're already in the EU and planning to move to larger port, like BCN, I guess you don't need to worry about voltage adapters for small appliances etc. In my times visiting Spain, in preparation to move there, I haven't found anything to be unavailable or particularly expensive. You may find out that you find your favourite tea or that you miss peanut butter but for a small luxury like that, just get someone to post it.
We're moving from Canada, and our plan is to bring everything as is and replace it as needed: TV/MP3 players etc. No sense buying new mobile phones when the chargers can be run through a voltage adapter.
Good luck!


matty3000, regarding those mobile phones... Don't know about Canada, but my AT&T American iPhone would not work in Spain, different network type. Had to buy a new one and at a premium at that - 1200 euro for the iPhone 6 plus when it came out 18 months ago (and the exchange rate was about 1.35 euro / 1 US dollar, so add 35% to get dollars). Before I left I got a United States Skype number that allows people to call me at a US number. I can pick up those calls on my computer or mobile Skype app. And calling back home on Skype is easy and cheap too, about 5 cents a minute I think. Definitely something to think about before moving.


good advice. I know that there used to be very proprietary differences between mobile phones (NTSC vs GSM) but I thought that all got worked out fairly recently. It may be as simple as paying someone to 'unlock' the phones before we go to receive a new SIM card, but I'll definitely research it before we move. thanks


We are planning to move to Spain for a year in a few years when I retire.  Already getting excited!


We're going to be coming to Spain on our last fact-finding tour.   We're going to be looking at  towns east of Malaga , Nerja Will probably be the furthest we would like to go so if you have any suggestions on towns east of Malaga let me know


Hey there dzharris :)

It might be a good idea to start a fresh thread to get a better response as this an old thread.

Good luck

SimCityAT Expert Team

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