
New members of the Dominican Republic forum, introduce yourself here — 1st quarter of 2016

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Hi all,

Newbie on the Dominican Republic forum? Don’t know how to start?

This thread is for you ;)

We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on your expat projects in Dominican Republic if you are planning to move there.

It will enable us to help you better but above all to wish you a warm welcome.

Welcome on board!

PD : The thread New members of the Dominican Republic forum, introduce yourself here – 4th quarter of 2015 continues below!

See also

Living in Dominican Republic: the expat guideCONNECTING WITH CANADIAN EXPAT GROUPS VIA FACEBOOK / INSTAGRAMSeeking Business opportunity on North CoastSIM CARD SWITCHING FOR NEWBIESMoving to DR

Hello, Now sitting here in Vegas with itchy feet and ready to get on a plane to discover the DR. Have spent the last 18 yrs living in asia. Now three years here in Vegas with trips back to asia every other month. Have gotten tired of the long trip. The DR appeals to me due to the distance. Also looking to change my residence out of the USA.

Hoping I can connect with some one that can get me started, in the right direction. I need to be in an area where English is no problem, a starter hotel to stay that is clean and safe and price friendly, till I can get to know my way around. I am very independent and used to going places that I am not familiar with, but this time I feel guidance would save me some time.

Hope to hear from someone soon.

Thanks in Advance
Richard L. Wooten

Moderated by Priscilla 9 years ago
Reason : Do not post your personal contact details on a public forum for your own security
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Welcome to the forums.  We are here to help. Let me suggest you start reading and then comment or question in the various threads.  Not sure where to find an answer feel free to  start your own thread! 

By the way, please do not post your phone or email on a public forum, thanks. I am having those removed.  Don't worry, you didn't know.....


ok Thanks for the info. I should have known that since i used to be a web master.


Hello all,

My wife and I are starting to plan our early retirement and what I've read on the Dominican Republic has us interested in a visit.

We will likely be visiting the island in March or April.

I guess our first question would be what areas would you recommend we plan to visit? (I know this is subjective). We want to at least determine our cost of living, as well as whether we choose to rent or purchase housing.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

BTW, we are looking at several other countries, but the DR would be extremely accessible and checks off most of our boxes.



First welcome.  WE cannot begin to suggest areas unless we know what you like!   Beachfront,  mountain,  dessert,  big city,  small town.............

First go read some threads to get some ideas.  Then if you want start your own thread so we can help you.


Thanks for the quick reply.

My wife and I enjoy any type of water activities including SCUBA, snorkeling, windsurfing, kiteboarding, and SUP. We also like to hike and bike, pretty much any outdoor activities. Having said that we would prefer a quiet place to relax and enjoy a sunset with a glass of wine or other adult beverage. Eating out isn’t that important, but a few local restaurants would be nice. The wife would prefer on the water or close enough to walk.

Looking for a place to live 6 months out of the year, but not ruling out year-round.
We would likely start off renting an apartment (furnished) to make sure we are happy with our choice before buying.

Timing isn’t an issue since we aren’t in a hurry to move, most likely looking at 2-4 years before we commit.

The area’s we have in mind to visit are (not in any order) Puerto Plata/Cabarete, Samana Bay, and Punta Cana.

Any other recommendations would be helpful, and we wouldn’t mind meeting a few expats while on island.



Hello Dave
Thanks for the info. sounds like we are thinking alike. I have did some reading and following info that I get off this site. I like the options that you have chosen. I have decided to put my feet on the ground starting in Puerto Plata, and check out several areas on your list before I make a decision. I am now find it hard finding a place to stay next month for my short stay with out paying out so much, but since it is my first time, I will just bite the bullet then I will know next time.

Thanks again

Bob K

Welcome to both of you! 
Planner is right.  Read the multiple threads here for info and please feel free to ask specific questions.

For what you are looking for the north coast will offer what you want

Again welcome.

Bob K


Hello Bob
Thanks for the Info. I will definitely put the North Coast on my list to visit. My list is getting longer now, so
I will be busy visiting a few areas.

Thanks again

Semper Fi

Bob K

You are welcome.  Good luck on your search and let us know if you have other questions.

Bob K


Hello everyone,

my wife and I are visiting the DR, both Sosua and Las Terrenas later this month (mid-March) to look at retirement properties. While we have both lived as expats in various parts of the world this will be our first trip to the DR and I am curious to hear from current expats who live there as to which town is better and why they choose to live n one versus the other.  My wife and I are currently leaning towards Las Terranas since the community appears to be more long term with less tourist traffic and crowds. I also think that with the new road to Santa Domingo that LT is going to see property values increase over the next few years.
I would love to hear the groups thoughts.

Thank you,


Dan Williams

I started my retirement in Sosua, and it lasted three months. I moved to Las Terrenas, and I will never leave. I love this town. Be sure to drop by when you arrive.

Bob K

Glad to hear you found your slice of heaven.  That is one of the great things about living here, there is somewhere that will fit almost everyone.

Bob K


welcome to the forums, lets make sure we dont have this discussion here but open a new one!  Thanks

Bob K

Welcome. Yes open a new thread on this topic.
My wife and I moved here full time to the Sosua/Cabarete area 10years ago.

Bob K


Hello everyone,

I have just joined the forum. I am originally from Ukraine but have been living in Boston for the past 8 years. My husband and I like to travel a lot. We have been to Punta Cana and Santo Domingo before. In a week, we are coming to Puerto Plata. Even though we are staying at an all inclusive resort, we always take tours to explore the country and see how native people live. We have been to Mexico and Jamaica as well but for some reason DR is more appealing to us.

Bob K

Olka welcome again.  I did post on your other thread.   We moved here to the north coast area (Sosua/Cabarete) 10 years ago.  I think you will like the north coast.

Bob K


I second that welcome!!!! Absolutely get out of the resort and see the country!!!


Hola amigos/as:
Despues de meses aqui en Republica Dominicana he encontrado esta pagina por casualidad y me ha sorprendido gratamente por su enfoque.
En diciembre pasado nos hemos casado mi esposa Luz y yo y vivimos en Santo Domingo Norte, estamos en casita en una zona relativamente tranquila.
Yo he llegado aqui a finales de 2013 y casi he pasado todo el año 2014 aqui, he marchado ha España en pero volvi de nuevo en marzo 2015 y de nuevo fui a España para soucionar temas sobre documentacion etc.
Asi es que aunque estoy aqui tiempo apenas hemos tenido relaciones con otras personas del exterior, hay algunos grupos pero son cerrados y en ocasiones hasta molestos si alguien entra.
Yo estoy jubilado con pension y estoy realizando la actividad de Mercadeo en Red para entrenerme, ayudar a los demas y de paso ganar unos cheles.
Nos encontramos a vuestra disposicion, hablo y entiendo el frances aunque hace muchos años que no practico.
Saludos a todos, especialmente a ti Cristina por tu atencion y amabilidad.
Jose y Luz de Sanchez


Veo que muchos ponen anuncios sobre sus productos o servicios y espero que podais informarme si es posible que yo pueda poner tambien el anuncio sobre mis productos que ademas son ecologicos y nos permiten ahorrar.
Jose y Luz de Sanchez

Bob K

Josesg this is an English language forum.  Could you please repost your entries in English.

thanks and welcome to the forum

Bob K


Welcome to the forums,   yes as Bob indicated please repost in English!  Gracias.



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