
need help with passport quest


Hello all,
I was wondering if any of you people in Slovenia can help me out.
I have sent emails off to a number of Lawyers in Slovenia without any of them getting back to me.
I need some research done regarding looking into dual citizenship and/or passport application and I thought going through a lawyer would be the best way forward.
My mother and father met in Ljubljana over 40 years ago and my mother always spoke of how much she enjoyed her time there,she has alot of fond memories of Slovenia.
At the moment she is not in the best of health and I was hoping to surprise her with my own Slovenian passport as I know she would be over the moon if I produced it to her upon my return back home.
I am away doing some travelling at the moment and hope to come to Slovenia soon.
I don't know were I stand regarding getting a Slovenian passport.
My father was from Croatia but became a Slovenian citizen many many years ago.I was hoping with him been a citizen that that would be grounds for my application.
If anybody knows of anybody that could help me with this quest I would greatly appreciate it.
My father died when I was a baby and I was not born in Slovenia as my mother and father left before I was born.I know it is long shot but I would like to follow it up,it would mean the world to me so any help would be greatly appreciated,Thank you in advance

See also

Visas for SloveniaMarrying a SlovenianCan my fiancé apply for my Visa in Slovenia?Visa from UKAdvice about how to about with formalities/visa

Welcome on board  :cheers:

My first reaction is to contact the nearest Slovenian Embassy for information.
I guess you need, birth and marriage certificates from your parents, as well as your birth certificate to begin with. Without these papers you can do nothing, even when you travel to Slovenia.