Practising Spanish and Helping With English

Hi Everyone,
I am english and i am living in La Manga in Spain, at the moment i am Studying Spanish but would like to meet people to do a language exchange. I study in Murcia so and live near Cartagena.
So both areas are easy for me..

Hi Clayre! Just to inform you that your topic has been moved on the Murcia forum.

Wish you good luck. :)

Hi! I'm spanish and I'm interested in exchange conversation too. I have car so I can move

Hi! IŽm Spanish, but IŽm living in Bratislava for the moment. Due to my job I will have to move to Murcia in one month, but after my experience in Bratislava I would preferto stay in touch with expatŽs rather to Spanish guys!
Could you please help me?

Thank you in advance!



Hi Clayre!
IŽm spanish and IŽm living in Murcia so if you wanna meet just let me know :)

Hi Clayre

I'm english also and recently moved to Murcia, I am looking for somewhere, to learn spanish, private or classes, i'm an absolute beginner, if you could help that would be great, also if you have any tips on murcia too! I live in murcia city centre and am looking to meet people? many thanks
Pippa x

Hi Clayre and Pippa13! I'm Jose and I'm from Murcia, I'm sure we could teach our natives languages each other. I woul like to improve English conversation.
If you are interested, please, send me a mail to: and we could met us to speak.
