Hallo Lauren
I am Afrikaans speaking, but will contnue in English, as I do not know what you home language is.
We live in George. I am also married with three children- allread finished school. Two are working (Hotel management and personal trainer) and my son is studying IT. My wife is a registered nurse and working as a matron in a private hospital. I myself am also a registered nurse and are working as a quality manager in the George Regional Hospital.
It is for quite some time now that I have this dream of moving to a more relaxed, uncomplicated island country. For some reason Madagascar has always appealed to me when I first saw pictures of it and its wonderfull nature. I still have to turn my wife's mind to the idea, but I believe even my children will grab at the idea if they get a chance. We do not want luxury, only to live life peacefully.
I'm just not sure how political and financialy stable Madagascar is. Will we be able to survive finacially? Also, as I am very much involved in healthservices and care, what are our options, what are the quality of healtcare, etc? Your idea of building a community also strangely apeals to my own dream, as I have this dream of having a private healthcare clinic, delivering health services to the people/ community/ group. But is it financially viable? I'm however not sure of their laws and regulations. We are also financialy relative higher middleclass at the moment, and I want to be sure that we can lead a relative finacially comfortable life. We however will not have a lot of money to take with should we sell and move. If I make this move, it will be for good. My wife also enjoys doing needlework and makes wedding dresses, etc. She also have this dream of starting a bussiness doing this as a livelyhood.
Well, these are my thoughts. Please let me know what you think.
Kind regards