
cost of living in Ghana

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some people think that living in Accra is cheap but wait until you get here and start spending than you will realise that cost of living is very high compare to some African countries. IT baffles me that the minimum wage of the country is so low but the food prices and the acmmodation and the school fees are sky high but then you realise that's maybe one of the reasons why people wants to get money out of you the easy ways although its not an excuse to con people. what is also sad is that at certain market places when people see that you are light skinned whether you are white or black you have a lot of money and wants to overcharged you for goods.

See also

Living in Accra: the expat guideRelocation to GhanaLife in AccraCost of bringing dog from UK to Ghana?Importing a pet to Ghana

Welcome to
I totally agree with you. The fact remains that to live in Ghana ,we must manage our  finances,
avoiding excess.Cheers.

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